23| 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒍𝒍

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I glanced at my reflection in the full-length mirror

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I glanced at my reflection in the full-length mirror. I was in a solemn mood. Stassie's father passed away a few days ago. Subsequently, he was cremated. I wanted to attend the funeral, but Stassie told me there was no point because it would not be in English. Truthfully I just wanted to be there for her. She's devastated, and I hate that she has to hold herself so strong for her family.

When she broke down in my arms about her father, it tore at me. I didn't know what to say to her. She was raw, and I think it was the first time she was able to completely tap into her emotions. That night I don't think I've ever seen something so beautiful.

It was 1:09 pm when I walked out the front door. I was surprised to see Josh in the driveway. He was getting out of his taxi. Minka seemed ecstatic to see Josh. She ran over to him and swiftly wrapped around him, and they were embracing each other in a kiss. Instantly, a bad taste came to my mouth. It was a nauseating sight.

I flashed my brother a look, and he nervously shrugged his shoulders.

Come on Josh, don't become a pussy on me now!

I so badly wanted to get that woman's grip away from my brother. He deserves better than this. Her deserves better than her.

Last night, I had a restless night. I was tempted to call Josh. I wanted to tell him everything. I was guilt-ridden, and it was seeping into my sleep. I was having night terrors of Josh never speaking to me again and my entire family turning their backs on me. I know I would deserve it, but it's a serious fear I have.

Confessing my affair with Minka is going to alter everything in my life. When I do finally get the balls and tell him about us. I'm disgusted at the details I will have to tell him.

I have to tell Josh how we planned on being together. How she was going to divorce him and marry me instead. How I thought I was in love with her.

I feel sick every time I think about it.

As close as I was to making that phone call. I couldn't do it. I was too much of a coward. I laid in my bed, reflecting on all the choices I made over the past few years.

Josh plans to break the news to Minka tonight. I do not plan on being there when it happens. I know it will be emotional, and messy. I am fully prepared for Minka to become upset and tell Josh about the affair. I don't know how he will take it. I know he is going to be furious. I just hope he forgives me one day because I hate myself for what I did.

I walked passed Minka and Josh without saying anything. I got in my car and sped down the route to Kameron's hotel, which was located a couple of blocks from Josh's beach house.

It was nice to see him. Since we've been friends, I think this is the longest we have ever gone without seeing each other. After I gave him a tight hug, I got straight to business. First and foremost, I wanted to talk the moron out of impulsively asking Tessa to marry him. He was in a cheerful mood.

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