Chapter 22

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Alexis pov

I felt like the time stopped for a bit. It's you. Kept repeating in my mind. I don't know what he meant by that, but I also had some idea. However, I did not want to assume things.
"What do you mean by that?" I eagerly asked. He took a minute to think before speaking.
"I just, I l-" he stopped himself.

I was on the edge to know what he was about to say, but he turned away, not wanting to finish his sentence.
"What is it?" I asked.
"I can't say." He said.
"You can't, or you don't want to?"
"I can't. You've just been through something disturbing and I don't want to put more pressure on you." He said.
That was so thoughtful of him, but I didn't care. I wanted to know.

"You won't be putting any pressure on me. I promise you." I yearned. I was dying to know. I just wanted to hear him say it so my mind could be at peace.
"I can't, Alexis. I'm sorry." He said. His face was somber.
"Tell me, please." I said in a low, almost inaudible voice as I grabbed him arm so he would look at me.

His hazel eyes were dark brown in the dim light. He looked at me like he would give me the moon if I asked. He held my gaze for a long minute before wrapping his hand around my waist and pulling me close. With his other hand he cupped my face and crashed his lips on mine.

I gasped into his mouth, but quickly gave into the kiss. Nothing could've prepared me for this. His mouth was so warm and sweet, and his lips so soft. I was aware of my hands and feet turning stone cold, but my face where his hand was, was gushing with blood. I reached and circled my arms around his torso, so that we were closer to each other.

Our lips moved like it was a routine. The kiss was eager, like we have been waiting for this all our lives. The urgency in the kiss made me somewhat.. wet? My legs were pressed together as I tried to take in as much of his mouth as I could. God, this is so good. His hand moved from my face to the back of my neck as he put his tongue in my mouth. I opened my mouth slightly to show him that I wanted to take this ahead, but he quickly stopped.

We both were panting and hour lips were slightly plumped up from the kiss. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that we had just kissed. Both of us were speechless.
"I'm in love with you, Alexis, so much that it is making me do all sorts of crazy things, but I give you my word, I won't ever overstep your boundaries again." He said.

My head was spinning. He finally said it, but I was not expecting this. I couldn't understand how Ray could possibly be in love with me, like I understand if he liked me, but LOVE is a pretty big deal.
"You.. what?" I was shocked.
"I love you?" He grinned nervously. I can't believe this man.

"Can we maybe talk inside?" I asked. I needed to sit down. This day has just been filled with of surprises, and literally so.

We went inside and we went to his bedroom which I was using for the time being. We sat down facing each other awkwardly. I still couldn't get over the kiss, it was beyond perfect.

"Listen, you don't really have to say anything right now. I understand it was a lot to take in." He said.
"No, I have some things to say." I said.

Although I didn't know what I actually felt for him, I knew I felt something. It's just that I hadn't given those feelings much thought, but deep down I know I liked him a lot. I didn't know about love, though. That was a big commitment I hadn't thought of, and I couldn't tell him anything that I wasn't myself sure of. But I needed to be honest with him.

"Ray, first of all, I'm completely speechless after your confession, but I want to tell you this.." I began.
"I obviously had a very different perception of you which changed over time, and I found myself feeling happier around you. I never paid attention to those feelings, but as I speak, I'm starting to realise that I actually do like you." My heart was about to explode out of nervousness. His eyes lit up immediately, and this time he wasn't trying to hide it.

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