Chapter 8

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Ray's pov

I knew I should not have opened up to her. I just had a feeling that she would disappoint me, and it was about time. I can't believe I let my guard down and trusted her with dad. Women are all talk.

I waited until the doctors got back. I hated hospitals. They reminded me of the accident. I tried to distract myself from those thoughts, and for some reason I was thinking about dad's nurse. Alexis.

For the first time in a long time I felt like I could open up to someone, and it was her. But her carelessness enraged me. I cannot stand irresponsible people.

Soon the doctor approached me.
"He's alright, just a minor fracture." He said. I was so relieved.
"Thank you, doctor."

"Good thing he was already monitored and given painkiller. Or he would've been in a lot of pain." He said.
"I'm sorry?"
"I assume his nurse gave him the injection." He said. I had no idea when Alexis did that.

"Can I talk to her? I need to discuss a revised course of treatment." The doctor said.
"Actually.. she has been fired." I said.
"Oh. I am nobody to doubt your judgement, but I just want to say that she was a good one. I can see a great improvement in your father's health." He said.
"I see."

Dad was discharged in a couple of hours. The doctor spoke with his physiotherapist about the fracture. He was told to stay in bed for a week. It was going good be difficult to make him stay in bed, now more so that we don't have a nurse.

Alexis pov

I haven't left my room in 4 days. I was consumed with remorse. I didn't have an appetite, or the energy to cook anything. All I ate was chips and occasionally fruits. I felt like a zombie, so I decided to get out of my room to water my plants.

They were dead, obviously. I don't know why I even buy plants when I can't take care of them. However, they have been dead for long.

I made my way to the dining table and realised that I was dusty. I went to the kitchen, and that was dusty too. A newfound motivation got into me and I decided to start cleaning. I started in the living room, then the kitchen, and then the bedroom.

I wiped all the surfaces, scrubbed the stains off the carpet and the couch, vacuumed every corner. In about an hour, I was starving. I made instant ramen to save time, and resumed soon after eating. The whole day I spent cleaning my house.

After I was done, I took a long, hot shower. I scrubbed every inch of my body since I had not showered in days, I basically had an everything shower. By the end of it, I was squeaky clean. I felt like a new person.

I did my skincare, and put on my favourite pjs. I hopped on my bed, and put on the tv to watch something. I felt so much better than I did this morning. But the sadness found its way back. I felt guilty again.

I wanted to know how Samuel was, but there was no way. I didn't have anybody that I could talk to. But I knew I could always talk to my mom, so I called her.

I spoke to her, and told her everything. She comforted me, and I started crying again.
"You're a human, Alexis. You made a mistake and that's okay." She said.
"I couldn't afford to make this mistake mom." I said.
"But honey people make mistakes. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself." Her words were comforting.

After talking for a long time, we finally hung up. I was super tired from all the cleaning that I fell fast asleep.

The next morning I decided to go out for a walk and get some fresh air. I went to the grocery store to get some things. When I was looking through the spice section, I came across cumin. It reminded me of Ray. It got a smile out of me.

While I was at the cash counter, I bumped into somebody I was not expecting to see. Tina. We went to nursing school together. She was my nemesis, and always tried to bring me down.

"Alexis?? Oh my god! Is that really you?" She said in a high pitched voice.
"Hi Tina. Yes, it's me." I said. I just wanted to escape.
"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?" She asked in a condescending way.
"I could ask you the same." I said, giving her a sarcastic smile.

I had seen on her Instagram that she's working for some celebrity now.
"Oh, I just got back from a vacation. I'm taking some time off. What about you?" She asked.
"That's great. I am on a break too." I said. I started to take my bags and leave, but she kept talking.

"Are you still working at the hospital?" She asked. I wanted to tell her that I worked for Ray Armstrong. I wanted to throw it on her face, but I couldn't. I was fired, which makes it worse. She would've found out about it somehow.

"Yes, I am." I said.
"I'm kind of running late for something so I gotta go. See you around." I told her before leaving.

I quickly rushed out the store. When I approached my apartment building, I noticed a car was parked under my building. It looked exactly like the car that picked me on the day I interviewed for Ray.

I didn't think much and walked towards the building, but just then a man stepped out of the said car. It was Ray's driver. Emmanuel. Why's he here? My brain came up all sorts of things. What if Samuel wasn't okay? Is he here to take me away?

"Ma'am I need to speak with you." Emmanuel said.
"Yes, what happened?"
"Mr. Armstrong's father is not doing well, and he wants you to resume work. I'm here you take you." He said stiffly.

Heyy! I know this was a lame chapter but fillers are essential to the story. Stay stunned for some brewing romance😁

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