Chapter 4

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I woke up to the sound of my pager. It was Samuel. I rushed to his room immediately, panic creeping in me. I opened the door only to find him smiling at me.
"I just wanted to see how quick you are." He said with a comedic grin. I understand what Ray meant.

"Did you have a good nap?" I asked him.
"Slept like a baby." He said. Me too.

I helped him out of his bed, and put him on the wheelchair. Apparently it was time for his physiotherapy session. He received them everyday for an hour. From the reports I can see that it hasn't been working.

Isaac, one of the other servants, came in to escort Samuel to the fitness room. I followed. I had not seen either Ray or Viktor in these couple of hours. I don't expect to, considering their work.

My day went by in figuring out Samuel's schedule and how things happen in this house.

I made a meal plan for the week for Samuel and I gave it to the chef. Once Samuel was done with dinner, I gave him post meal injections and medicines. After that I was called for dinner.

Ray was not present during dinner, but Viktor was. I would've tried to make small talk, but I did not get good vibes from him. Unfortunately, he started speaking.

"Are you getting comfortable here?" He asked.
"Not yet, but I will." I said.
"Don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything." He said. I nodded in response.

I continued eating in silence, but he spoke again.
"So.. are you seeing anyone?" He asked out of the blue. He had a weird smile on his face which made me uncomfortable.

"Isn't there a rule in this house to not speak at the dining table?" I said to him in a little agitated tone. I didn't like the way he was looking at me, like he was onto me or something. It was very weird.

"Oh no!" He laughed off.
"That's only when Ray is around." He said.
"Okay so you're the kind of person who follows orders only for the sake of it? Good to know." I spat.

I was almost done with my dinner, so I called Darla to take away my plate and told her that I was done. I quickly made my way to Samuel, not wanting Viktor to follow me.

It was a very long and fast walk, so as soon as I entered his room, I was panting.
"There there, young lady." Samuel said. He was put to bed, but he was wide awake, and reading.
"Broke a sweat." I faked a laugh.
"Are you alright?" He asked, looking a little concerned. I brushed it off since I didn't want to bother him, plus it wasn't a big deal.

"Yes! How are you doing?" I asked, while I took his temperature. He was fine. He talked about how he enjoyed the dinner, and that he reads every night. He plans on reading every classic there is.

"That's so cool. I love to read too, but I don't have the time." I said. We chatted a little bit about our favourite books, writers, genres, etc. It was so easy to talk to him. It was nice to have that.

A week passed.

I had not seen Ray at all this whole week. Apparently he was out of town for some important thing. He's supposed to get back today. It's not like I see him much when he's home. He spends most of his time in the office, or his room. He doesn't like to be disturbed, and won't meet anyone unless absolutely necessary.

I had gotten used to Samuel's routine, and had found my routine along with. I didn't have much to do except give medicines and monitor his health. I also had to make sure he was eating right. Sometimes I had to feed him, because his hand would go numb. Usually nurses are supposed to bathe and change their patients, especially when they have paralysis, however Ray had made sure there was a person to do that.

Samuel was paralysed from his hips and below. His upper body could move, and so did his hands. Hence, he usually ate by himself, but he was quite weak.

I have been wanting to ask Ray what exactly happened to Samuel, but he wasn't free anytime that I tried to speak with him.

However, I found an opportunity today, since he had called me in his office. After I was done preparing for Samuel's meal, I went to see Ray.

Upon entering I was immediately consumed by the scent of the room. It smelled like a luxurious mens cologne (Dior sauvage, if you must). I was assuming it was coming from Ray. He looked very very attractive in his black suit. But my mind completely turned off when I saw Viktor at his side. UGH.

"Please take a seat." Ray said to me. I sat in from of him, across the table.
"Viktor tells me everything has been going smoothly. Is that right?" Ray said.

"Well no. If only Mr. Viktor knew." I scoffed and continued.
"I don't think you knew that you father was refusing to eat." I said.

"I know, he's very dramatic about his food." Ray stated.
"That's not it. You don't understand how it was deteriorating his health. He's much better now when I changed his diet."
"I see." He said. Viktor tried to intervene, but Ray stopped him.

"Secondly, I understand there are regular physiotherapy sessions for your father, however, he needs to get out more. He needs to try and do those exercises by himself." I said.

"He will remain in his room." He said sternly.
"He can do rehab exercises in the comfort of his own room. He doesn't need to get out." Ray said cutting me off. It was starting to piss me off because he did not understand how crucial it is for his father to get out of his room. It is very important for both, his physical as well as mental health.

"Can I talk to you alone?" I said to Ray, and he nodded. Viktor left the office.
"Can you tell me why he is caged to that room?" I asked.
"Because he's a silly man."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"The last time he was out, he tried to do something stupid, which made him fall out of his wheelchair. Even the nurse couldn't handle him." He said.

"Oh." I could understand Ray's concern for his father, but I also empathised with Samuel. One can't be stuck to a wheelchair AND be stuck in their room. That's just so unfair.

"Listen.. if he does not get to do the things he wants to, he will not recover. I assure you that I will take full responsibility of him. Once in every couple of days I can take him around the garden, and other areas around the house. Isaac will be with us." I said. Ray was contemplating what all I had just said.

"Please Mr. Armstrong. Your father needs it." I said.
"Alright. But there's a condition." He said.
"Okay, what is it?"

"You will be fired if anything happens to him. You are to not leave him alone at any cost, for any reason, whatsoever." He said. He looked at me solemnly, waiting for my response.

"I accept it." I said.

Hiii cutiesss!! I know it's going a little slow, but please wait, this is just the beginning. It'll slowly start to stir up in the coming episodes, so please please vote for the chapters!!

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