Chapter 9

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I almost let go of the bags in my hands. It took me a second to grasp his words. Ray wants me to resume? I couldn't believe it. How could that be?

I never took Ray Armstrong to be someone who reconsiders his decisions. It was shocking, but I was glad. Unemployment made me feel like a failure.

"Do I have to come with you right now?" I asked, and he nodded.
"I had just brought these groceries for today, they would get old and mouldy if I don't use them. Can I bring these too?" I asked. I knew it was silly but I didn't want to waste food. He agreed.

I went to my house and changed into some decent clothes. I hadn't had the chance to unpack, so I just had to bring the same bag. I carried some extra things with me like new supply of needles and syringes, some skincare, new pjs and extra scrubs.

And just like that I was back again. I met Ray as soon as I entered their house. He was busy with some people, however he eyed the grocery bags in my hand. I gave him a small smile, and went to the kitchen.

Darla hugged me as soon as she saw me. Woah. I didn't know how to react.
"I missed you madam." She said. It was very touching. I handed her the groceries and asked her about the meal prep for Samuel's lunch. She said she had been following the diet plan that I made, but he had not been eating.

I went upstairs, and before I went into my room, I went to see Samuel. I was worried about him. As soon as I opened the door, my heart broke. He was lying on his bed like a sick child. He looked awful.

"Mr. Armstrong?" I called out. He immediately looked in my direction.
"Alexis? Is that you?" He asked as he couldn't see me clearly. I went closer to him.
"Yes it's me. I'm back." I told him. He reached out to grab my hand. He gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Oh yes, it's you. I thought I was dreaming." He said weakly. Poor guy. I proceeded to take his temperature and check his chart. His course of treatment had been changed.
"Will you be okay until I get into my scrubs?" I asked.
"Come back soon." He said, giving me a weak smile.

I went to my room and changed quickly. I got back to Samuel's room, and noticed that there was a camera in the corner of the ceiling.
"Did they put a camera recently, or was it always here?" I asked him.
"Ray put it after I was back from the hospital." He said. Of course Ray wanted to be extra careful.

I proceeded with my work, but it was a little different now that Samuel was supposed to be in bed for a couple of days. From the staff I found out that he has been refusing physiotherapy as well.

"Why haven't you been eating?" I asked him.
"I didn't feel like." He said looking away from me.
"Do you want me to cook?"
"No." He replied.

I figured that he did not like being stuck to his bed. He hated it more than he hated being paralysed. The reason he hated it so much is because he couldn't feel the pain below his hips although he had a fracture. So he felt forced to be in bed for a week straight.

"I know you miss reading books, so would it help if I read to you?" I asked. I didn't have much work so this would be a good time pass for me too.
"Would you really do that?" His eyes lit up.
"Yes, of course." I said.

He told me which book he wanted to read, and I picked it out from his huge shelf. It was a classic. I began reading, but I had to stop in between to check if he was listening to me, and he was.

I read about 10 pages before I remembered that I had to speak to his doctors about his new treatment. I excused myself for a moment, and went to see Ray.

When I reached his office, I saw Viktor standing outside. I didn't want to speak to him, although he greeted me with a smile. I smiled back unwillingly.
"Is he busy?" I asked.
"Yes, it'll take a while." He said.

Just when I turned to leave, Viktor came up behind me.
"It's good to have you back." He said.
"Oh, thanks." I said in a flat tone.
"You should thank Mr. Armstrong's father, he's the reason you're back." He said. I couldn't properly understand what he meant.

"He was stubborn about wanting you as his nurse. He refused to eat, or get treatment because you weren't there. Mr. Ray himself had to go and ask his father to eat, but he still refused." He added. Usually I hated when Viktor spoke, but this time he spoke something valuable. I was very much taken aback. It was so touching to know that Samuel didn't want to be fired.

"Thank you for letting me know." I told him. Before I could leave, the door of Ray's office opened revealing Ray and some other people from before. Viktor went and told Ray that I had come to speak with him.

Ray said his goodbyes to the men and asked Viktor to escort them. Then he turned to me.
"Yes, what is it?" He asked.
"I wanted to speak to your father's doctor." I said, to which he raised an eyebrow.
"To discuss the new treatment, and other things." I added.

He ushered me to his office, and pulled out his phone. I assumed he was calling up the doctor. He gave me the phone as soon as the doctor picked up.
"Hello, Mr Armstrong." The doctor said.
"Uh.. hello, this is Alexis Williams. I'm Samuel's nurse." I said. We continued to speak about Samuel and his treatment. Ray sat in his chair, looking up at me, but when we made eye contact he looked away.

Once I was done talking, I gave him his phone back, but before that I caught a glimpse of his wallpaper. It was a picture of a sunset.

"Thank you so much." I said to him. He just gave me an acknowledging nod. I left.

While I was talking on call, I had noticed a baby monitor sort of something on his desk. I realised it was the monitor of the camera in Samuel's room. He kept it here so he could keep an eye on Samuel because he was worried about him. That was sweet.

I went back to Samuel, and continued to read to him. I felt a little weird because I was also being watched, but that made me more alert. In the hospital I was always surrounded by people- nurses, doctors, patients, their relatives, etc., There was no privacy at all, but that's my work. So this shouldn't bother me either.

In some time it was time for lunch. Darla brought in his lunch, and I fed him. He ate as much as he could, which was a decent amount, so I didn't force him. I continued with my work, and then left for lunch.

Another filler kind of chapter but I promise you will find heat in the next couple of chapters!

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