Chapter 30

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Warnings - blood, death, torture

That was my first mistake of the day when it came to Jeremiah. I didn't know his intentions nor the length he would go to prove whatever point he had in mind. Was this my personal punishment for hurting mother and the things I've done. Whatever it was it wasn't going to be pretty as I felt the knife dig into my skin. I bit my lip to hold back a hiss of pain this shocked Jeremiah and Matteo.

"Hmm not painful enough for you" Jeremiah said

"What about the cuciotus curse?" He questioned

"Stop don't touch her" Matteo snapped

"Weakness isn't good for you Matteo" Jeremiah said

He then turned to me aiming his wand I made eye contact with him and but my lip. I gripped the edge of the chair as he cast the spell my head hit the back of the chair as I held back a scream. The longer he held it the harder it was to not scream, but when I didn't scream he stopped.

"You know this feeling don't you, hmm too bad it only gets worse if you don't comply, I'll get you to break so badly poor Theodore won't be able to touch you for the fear will creep in anytime a man comes near you" he taunted

"Theodore would never hurt me, not like Matteo did" I hissed

"Oh do tell" he said

"You want my life story, well your going to have to kill me because my life story is not yours to have" I said and spit at him

He wiped the spit off his face and slapped me causing my head to turn to the side. And Matteo to move in his chair at the sight of me in pain.

"Hurt me not hurt do whatever to me just leave her alone" Matteo said

Maybe he did care, but I no longer felt the love I once had for him. Yes I loved him but I wasn't in love with him anymore and I was completely ok with that.

"You'd die for her, yet she'd never die for you" Jeremiah laughed

"I'm okay with that" Matteo said

"What did you do to make her hate you?" Jeremiah asked

"I was toxic, used her as my personal fuck toy, convinced her I loved her, waited until she fell in love with me only to make a mistake because I fell for her and yet I let some slut suck me off making another mistake and let her think I didn't care for her, but in the end like you said I'd die for her" Matteo said

"Oh does dear dad know your a whore" the random Slytherin boy said

"That's enough Ben" Jeremiah said

"I was right your name is Ben, hah I do remember you, smart boy yet not top of his classes, good at defensive magic but terrible at potions, love life is absolutely shit, also heard your terrible in bed" I laughed at the last part

Suddenly a knife embedded into my stomach causing me to cough and groan in pain.

"Benjamin I said enough, we need her alive do you hear me" Jeremiah hissed and pulled Ben away from me

"But she's saying shit that's not true" Ben snapped

"Which part the school work stuff or the fact you have a small dick and can't get girls off" I pressed

He swung his fist breaking my nose causing blood to drip down my chin yet I laughed. I leaned my head back against the chair laughing at the fact he was taking the bait.

"She's trying to anger you Ben, you need to focus on the goal here" Jeremiah snapped

"The bitch doesn't get to talk to me that way or about me like she fucking knows me" Ben stopped pointing his wand at me

"What you going to do huh Ben, can't kill me it's not the plan is it, bet you don't have the balls to use an unforgivable curse either, not big enough balls to kill me" I said and spit blood in his face

"Crucio" he shouted

I was weak yet shocked at the strength of his spell he was truly angry. The pain was becoming unbearable and in a moment of weakness I screamed my head thrown back, eyes held shut tightly. It felt as though time was slowing down and I felt my heart slow to a point I swear I was dead. Until I was brought into a vision, it was of myself and I was happy at least it looked that way. In the trick of the light you could see a shine on my hand letting me know had a wedding ring in. I watched as Theo came up behind me wrapping his arms around my stomach, but the most interesting part was the big belly I had. He rubbed my belly as he nuzzled his head in my neck placing kisses causing me to giggle.

Off in the distance was a dark figure with a hood on but I knew who it was. It was the dark version of myself the one who was soulless because of the magic she'd done. With a gasp I was pulled out of my vision, you see each one can change they all vary. You can see glimpses of the possibilities within your future and I smiled to myself knowing that for a moment I could have happiness. Theo and I would be together and have kids, but if I don't keep fighting that can't happen. It won't happen and even if Matteo was my butterfly effect I refused to let it hold me down. I opened my eyes as I felt anger fill me eh uh triggered the healing process in my body, in one swift moment I broke free of my restraints and took the knife stapled Ben in the stomach.

Then I pulled the knife out and threw it straight towards Jeremiah but he luckily dodged it.

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