Chapter 9

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Warnings - death

"Theo, Theo" I called out rushing through the manor like a maniac

"Go away" I heard a soft and broken voice

"I have to tell you something" I said as I sat on the other side of the door

He didn't reply so I took that as a sign to keep talking.

"She's here you know, your mum I can see her" I said

The door opened and Theo rushed to hug me in a rush of emotion.

"Does she talk to you?, about...about me?" He asked

"She appeared just once but she's here right now with us" I said looking directly over his shoulder

"Oh mum I'm so sorry for not saving you" Theo cried

"Oh Theodore don't cry my son, tell him I'm here and I'm more than proud of him and I always will be here to see him whenever he needs me" she said

"She said she's proud, doesn't want you to cry and she is here whenever you need her just remember that" I said

"I wish I could have saved her" he said softly

"It's not your fault tell him please" she pleaded as she gently touched his shoulder

"It's not your fault Theo, she loves you and it's far from your fault" I said

Suddenly he kissed my cheek in a thanking manor and I smiled softly my cheeks turning slightly red.

"Your good for him you know" she said

"I doubt that Mrs Nott" I said

"What did she say?" Theo asked

"Nothing relevant I promise" I said

"Promise me something" he said

"Anything Theo" I said

"Don't leave me, and always be my friend" he said

"Always Theodore always" I said softly and hugged him tightly

And just as easy things began to change for all of us me and Draco drifted slightly apart but he was always around to prove he cared. Whenever I needed him he was there because he was the only one who knew the truth about what happened to me because I was a Slytherin. Me and Theo stayed close but by the beginning of fourth year things changed again. Especially when two new  students decided to arrive at Hogwarts and mine were they fine. Yes they were good looking but they were also the sons of Voldemort. Yes you heard me correctly both Tom and Matteo riddle had officially joined Hogwarts. Tom in sixth year with my brother while Matteo was in fourth with me and my friends. And per usual they were sorted separately into the Slytherin house which was normal for their family.

I put my head down as I felt someone trying to read my mind so I pushed them out with anger. I looked up and made eye contact with Tom riddled with who was looking at me with his head slightly tilted. He was confused and he was trying to get into my head so now that I knew this. I smirked at him and winked catching him off guard and gaining Matteo's attention as well.

"Trinity don't wink at them" Pansy snapped

"Who's she winking at?" Draco asked as he sat across from me and pansy with Theo and blaze

"Him" Daphne giggled she was sitting on my left and pansy to my right

While the three boys sat across from each of us in according to who was dating who. Even if me and Theo weren't dating he sat across from me either way while Draco sat across from pansy and Daphne across from blaze. Both their relationships were cute much well Draco can be toxic to pansy not going to lie. Although it wasn't what bugged me it was the feeling of loneliness that creeped inside me every damn day and night. The nightmares that I get that shake me awake and keep my nights restless and the days still going. The only reason was Draco and my friends but every break that I go home it's nothing but arguments and beatings.

I took a deep breath, got up from my stop to have Draco and Theo look at one another. Pansy and Daphne got up but I waved them off to sit down and eat their food.

"Trinity" Draco said softly

"I'm good just need to get out" I said and began walking towards the doors of the great hall

Unfortunately when I was out of the great hall I was pinned to the wall by my throat. Who was it well it was none other than Tom riddle who looked beyond upset with Matteo beside him.

"Who are you?" He hissed

"Easy boys, no need for violence I will answer without the hand on my throat" I said

Tom chuckled darkly and let go of me to which I huffed and brushed off my robes fixing them.

"Trinity Hawthorne" I said sticking my hand out to shake

"Matteo riddle darling" Matteo said taking my hand and kissing it

I rolled my eyes and pulled my hand back before going to walk off.

"Hawthorne what's your special ability huh?" Tom asked

I turned around and faced them before thinking deeply on the subject whether I should say or not.

"Find out yourself" I smirked

I made my way through the first few months with easy still being top of my class while Matteo kept trying to get to know me. Tom however seemed to have figured me out and took interest in my as well.

"Archer" I called out as I approached my brother

"Trinity what is it this time?" He said softly

"Wow brother staying with Cedric hasn't done you any justice has it, he bugging you too much?" I chuckled

"Never jellybean" Cedric said coming up wrapping his arm around archers shoulder

"Hey Cedric how you been?" I asked

"Good so far, you heard about what's coming up this year right?" Cedric asked

"The only thing I know is the quidditch season is canceled because of some triwzard terminate is that what your on about?" I asked

"Yeah isn't it amazing Hogwarts is going to host it" Cedric said

I felt a blush creep up my cheeks when he began to compliment me on how well I've grown. My oblivious brother had just rolled his eyes and brushed off the flirting that Cedric was doing.

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