Chapter 10

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Warnings - none

Unknown POV

He watched her from a distance whatever he felt inside was an odd feeling and foreign to him. He felt a growing need to have her and when he wanted something he always got it. No matter what things he had to do to get what he wanted he would in the end get it. He hated how the sixth year hufflepuff flirted with the fourth year Slytherin. A two year difference yet she was blushing a bright red because of it. Did she like him? He thought about it maybe he could get to her. He had tried for the past three months and she payed barely any mind to him. What he didn't know was she did pay mind to him to every single detail. She knew things about him and he knew things about her but she knew more than she let on.

She was very observant and she knew a lot about plenty of the people at Hogwarts to be honest. She knew a lot about Cedric whom her brother is staying with lately because of her parents. She hasn't really seen or talked to archer for quite some time due to her parents and their relationship. She only really sees archer during school in the halls or during celebrations with big parties. Like the one Slytherin is going to be throwing tonight in celebration of something she couldn't really remember. Sometimes they threw parties for the hell of it and didn't care what or why they were throwing said party. It wasn't her first in house part or out of house party either this year or last.

She wasn't really attending them during third year but now that she was a fourth year she was. She wasn't much of a partier like pansy and Daphne were but she had a few sips here and there. She's never really kissed anyone or done anything further than that with anyone. She didn't want to be labeled as a slut or a whore but it didn't stop people from calling her a buzz kill at times. Saying she wasn't letting loose enough nor was she having fun like she should take the opportunity to do. So flirting came harder to her than it did others but she tended to accidentally flirt with people but didn't realize it in the moment. All while he watched her unable to help the building feeling inside.

He wanted to ruin her, while she wanted nothing more than just something.

Trinitys POV

"Hey archer can me and Cedric talk alone for a moment?" I asked with a light blush

I liked Cedric I mean don't get me wrong who wouldn't he was although two years ahead of me. Archer nodded and left me and Cedric alone together to which Cedric wasn't at all confused about.

"So I was thinking maybe you and I could go to hogsmade together and get a butterbeer?" He said

He was always straight forward and it's one of the things I actually liked about him. So I found myself nodding eagerly at the idea of having a sort of date with him.

"Sure when's the next trip to hogsmade we can go together?" I said

"In a few days actually" he said while leaning against the wall smoothly

"You know hufflepuff you've got this thing about you" I said with a smirk

"You too Slytherin" he said with a smirk of his own

"Yeah and what's that?" I asked

"Your a lot softer than any Slytherin I've met and that says a lot, your top of your class and have been since first year so you tell me what's deep down that your dreaming off" he asked

I gulped unable to look at him anymore, why was he asking me this. I wasn't at all too hash but I wasn't sweet like others wanted me to be. I felt my abilities rising and found myself holding my head in pain at all the voices filling my head.

"Cedric's hot" one said

"Why's he there with her" another through

"Would she snog me?" A third throught

It was so painful I ran, I ran with tears in my eyes form the pain as I dodged people and found the common room. When I entered Theo caught me just as I about near hit the floor.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asked

"Loud, their so loud" I groaned

"Everyone quiet your thoughts" he shouted

I felt the pain subside as I leaned into Theo's arms as he rubbed my shoulder comforting me. I knew now that there were lots or a few people inside the common room. Mainly my friends but a few others and Tom plus Matteo as well.

"Hey princess you alright?" Theo asked holding my chin to face him

"Yeah better thanks Theodore" I said softy

"Anytime, what happened mind me asking?" He asked

"It was Cedric he" I began

"What did that blimey huffelpuff do?" Draco hissed

"Dray he didn't do anything to me, it's just he said something never mind I'm going to my dorm to get changed" I said and got off Theo and went to my dorm to calm down

I was lucky it was my dorm and only mine because my magic began to build and a wave rushed out. It slammed things into the wall and shattered things causing me to drop to the floor as a cloud of dark smoke slowly disappeared. I felt weak it was bound to happen but when Matteo rushed in followed by the others I knew my secret was out. At least two of my abilities were no longer hidden from the riddle brothers.

"Repario" Draco whispered as he waved his wand

"Thanks" I said softly with a sigh

"What was that?" Matteo asked

"None of your business" Draco hissed

"It's ok dray they will find out from someone" I said softly

"What is it?" Tom asked

"Destructive magic and the ability to read minds" I said softly

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