Chapter 16

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Warnings - light smut, strong language, blood, death

When the week flew past and Matteo had yet to say a word to me which wasn't odd but not normal either. I brushed it off and spent time with Cedric or pansy for the most of the week. That's how I landed myself here in the hufflepuff common room laughing and giggling with Cedric. Things got better he was flirting nonstop and I couldn't help but smile at him. Although when he leaned in for a kiss and our lips nearly touched I couldn't do it. So I pulled away making things awkward and he looked hurt.

"I'm sorry I thought, I thought you" he began

"No I do it's just, I" I didn't know what to say

"You seemed to like me, I guess I shouldn't assume the flirting meant anything" he said softly hurt evident in his eyes and voice

"Cedric I do I really want to, but I can't" I said

"Why not trinity?" He asked more upset now

It felt wrong but I couldn't tell him that, I didn't want to be seen as a slut to the whole school. I couldn't afford to have my reputation destroyed like that. Yet part of me didn't want to care, about my reputation that was. I hissed in frustration and internal turmoil as I straddled him and pressed my lips to his. I felt him grow hard underneath me as I pressed into him, he grabbed my hips and groaned softly.

"Shit" he groaned backing out to catch his breath

"Cedric" I said softly against his ear

"I want to touch you, can I, is that okay?" He asked for permission it was sweet

"Not here Cedric take me to your dorm" I said

He nodded eagerly and when we reached his dorm which he shared with my brother and some other boy. He picked me up and set me on his bed gently then hovered over me. He kissed me and let his hands wander to my hips, my thighs then my core.

"Is this okay?" He asked

"Please" I whined

He smirked and slipped his finger inside but it didn't feel the same or as good as Matteo's. I didn't know why but it just didnt, not that it didn't feel good. It felt good just not as good as when Matteo touched me, but I bucked my hips as he kissed me again. Curling his fingers as I gripped his hair tightly pressing him closer feeling myself get closer to the edge. But it stopped because the door opened and in walked my brother,

"What the bloody hell Cedric, that's my bloody damn little sister" archer shouted pulling Cedric off me

Cedric god red in the face full of embarrassment while I felt anxious as to what archer would do. And soon his fist collided with Cedric's face and I rushed to try and get him off.

"Archer please, archer stop it, I wanted to, archer stop I'm begging you" I said in tears by now

As he went to hit him a third time two boys rushed in after hearing my cry's and pulled him off.

"Cedric I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I began to look over his wounds

"I should have known better" he whispered

"What" I said softly

"Shouldn't have tried to do anything with you it was a mistake" he said

I scoffed fully hurt and to think I was about to give in, to think he cared, that he actually fucking cared.

"Bastard, your the mistake, I should never have trusted you, shouldn't have flirted with you, should have never talked to you" I snapped my voice shaking with anger and sadness

"Trinity" Cedric said

I spun around and punched him square in the nose breaking the already broken nose some more.

"Don't fucking touch me, don't talk to me don't even look at me you can rot in hell diggory" I shouted

I stormed out of the hufflepuff common room tear stained cheeks as I felt my magic growing wild. I pushed through students as my vision began to blur and by the time I entered the dungeons. Then i was in the common room the air in my lungs began to fade and I found myself panicking. The room spun as pansy and Draco, Theo even rushed to me, I felt myself falling but to my luck Theo caught me.

"Shhh, breath Cara mía, breath" he said

I tried I really did but I was hurt beyond hurt as I felt my magic wavering on the edge of exploding.

"Shh what happened?" Pansy asked looking at me with soft eyes

"No" I said finally calmer and shook my head

I stood shakily and whipped my eyes aggressively, noticing after my vision cleared all the people staring.

"Fuck off stop staring you pathetic first years" I shouted and stormed off to my dorm

Pathetic hah they weren't the ones who were pathetic, I was it was me the pathetic one. I hissed in anger feeling myself fading in a matter of seconds I was somewhere else. I knew I traveled through time, I sat on the edge of a broken wall. Swinging my legs as I took in the world around me, it was abandoned and broken for what appeared to be years. Although I looked down and found that I was wearing clothes from another time. It wasn't the past or the present it was the future yet where was I. I took a look around and saw two people in the distance in a heated argument. They sounded and looked familiar as I got closer to them. I noticed who they were, one was Voldemort and the other was myself.

Heated argument for sure as he began to laugh wickedly at me, behind me was the school of students and Matteo was there begin held back by people. People on his father's side the death eaters the older ones as he struggled. In a heat of the moment I watched as Voldemort turned towards his own son then back to me. In an instant and moment of weakness he stabbed me causing my to drop to my knees. I heard shouting and screaming from various people, my friends, professors, other students and Matteo.

"I'm down and I'm bleeding, what a wonderful feeling, my head is just reeling, the red means I love you" I said while coughing up blood.

I watched as Voldemort laughed and turned to his son who was down on his knees broken. With another spell he killed his own son as Harry Potter killed Voldemort. I covered my mouth tears in my eyes when I watched blurry figures rushing to my dead body I was pulled out of the world.

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