Chapter 29

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Warnings - death, blood, abuse, kidnapping

"What do you mean?" He asked clearly worried

"I didn't see just death I saw my death, his death, and Voldemort's death, but I feel like I changed it that it won't happen because of what he did, if I don't stay with him and I find happiness with someone else than maybe it won't happen" I said

"I won't let it happen" he said and pulled me closer

"I want to be with you Theo, I need to be happy for once and I find more happiness in you than anything, I might have thought I loved him but maybe it was a trick of my mind, because I realize it now that I can't love him if I'm in love with someone else" I said

"Your in love with me?" He said shocked

"I get if you don't feel the same Theo I do, but I had to tell you before it was too late" I said

And suddenly he kissed me, it was more passionate than the first, it was him telling me he felt the same. And I felt that butterfly feeling in my stomach as I closed my eyes and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next day

I woke up still in Theo's bed but Theo wasn't here with me but a note was left beside one the table.

"Dear Cara Mia,

Had to do some business for you know who but I'll be back as soon as I can. Don't worry about me and my father is also out or in his study but your free to roam the house while you wait. We can get some of your things when I return from my task, hope to see you soon.

Love Always,

I decided to slip on my underwear from yesterday and grabbed one of Theo's shirt from his closet and some sweats. Having to tie the strings because why were rather big on me as I put my hear into a messy bun. Checking myself in the mirror I saw hickeys on my neck causing me to smile. Until there was a wand pointed at my back and a hand covering my mouth. I looked in the mirror to find a boy around my age from Slytherin. He was familiar but I couldn't place his name in my head.

"Keep quiet or things become difficult for you" he said

I nodded as he grabbed me and dragged me down the hall and then apperated somewhere. I was thrown into a chair and tied with a flick of his wand. I said nothing fear crept through me and if I made a sound I knew it wouldn't do any good.

"Well it's finally time we meet" a unfamiliar voice said

From the shadows came a man oddly familiar yet I couldn't place where I'd seen him. Until I recognized him from a picture my father had on his desk years ago. It was one of his buddies that supposedly died or they had a falling out of some kind. I couldn't remember father saying his name at any point maybe once or twice but that's it. I couldn't think of it, what was his name it was really triggering me that I couldn't think of it.

"I feel the gears turning in your head, I assume you know who I am" he said

"I've seen a picture of you in fathers desk once or twice, never got your name though" I said

"Names Jeremiah stone, your father and I were good mates once" he said as if it weren't obvious

"I think I gathered that when I saw the picture" I sassed

He suddenly slapped me but it wasn't anything I wasn't used to by now.

"Unfazed mhmm, had dear old Finnegan been hurting you?" He said grabbing my chin roughly

"Poor thing, what happened to you" he said

"Is that a rhetorical question or and actual one?" I asked

He scoffed and shook his head before pulling out a knife and holding it under my chin. I didn't flinch, I showed no emotion as much as my inner voice told me to shout. My body told me to fight back, but the only thing worth fighting for was Theo and my friends. They weren't in harms way so maybe my destiny from the vision changed. Maybe I die a different way and not by the hands of Matteo's father. Not by the hands of the dark lord who destroyed the world in his wake. Maybe Jeremiah was the one to kill me, but why did he need to kill me.

"If this is to hurt father believe me he wouldn't care if you killed me or not" I scoffed

"Your hear to learn the truth, your here because of your fathers wishes to find you, it was easier than I thought it would be to find you, Matteo can't shut his mouth when it comes to the one he loves, overhead him shouting at Theodore about you two sleeping together, then Voldemort sent Theo on a little task while Matteo was scolded for being weak" Jeremiah said

"What did you do to Theo?" I hissed

"Nothing and I won't, but Matteo is another story see" Jeremiah said

He pulled a chair from the shadows that had a very worried looking Matteo. When his eyes met mine they widened but I scoffed at him. Did it worry me that I saw blood dripping down his chin maybe. Did I think he somehow deserved punishment for what occurred yes but not like this.

"Trinity" he said softly

"Riddle" I hissed

"Oh last name basis, what did you do wrong Matteo?" Jeremiah laughed

Neither of us said anything as I couldn't bare to make anymore eye contact with Matteo. Jeremiah grabbed my chin roughly and forced me to look at Matteo but I closed my eyes.

"Someone doesn't want to see you, what did he do tell me" Jeremiah said

"None of your damn business" I hissed

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