Chapter 7

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Warnings - self hate,

And as the days rolled by and the letter finally arrived I dreaded opening it, but the thing was. I made a few friends girls within the same house as me. One was named Daphne greengrass and the other was Daisy Roseland they were nice girls. Although I wasn't much a fan of the girl pansy but she wasn't all that bad to be honest. We didn't get along at first that's for sure but at the end of the week. We realized we had more in common than anything so we got closer by Sunday evening. And by then the letter I dreaded had arrived and when it dropped in my hands I couldn't help the fear that filled me.

"How dare you be such a disgrace to the Hawthorne name. How dare you get placed into Slytherin, do you know what this means for our family. Your a disappointment and don't yo dare think your getting off easy for this either. Your in deep trouble for this, should have been placed into Gryffindor or better ravenclaw. You're lucky we don't send for you immediately. You better be top of your class no lower or else you're in bigger trouble.

With regret
Your parents"

I gulped and shakily slipped the letter in the pocket of my robes as I got up to leave the great hall. Theo and Draco followed after me worriedly but I didn't turn around as I made my way to the girls bathroom. I got to the sink and looked at myself in the mirror the faded light scar on my cheek reminding me of what I was in for. I splayed water on my face as Theo and Draco rushed in.

"Trinity" Draco said carefully as if he didn't want me to snap and my magic get out of hand

"I shouldn't be here" I said softly but they heard me

"You have every right to be here princess" Theo said

"You don't understand do you?, I'm in big trouble for being in Slytherin, imagine if a Weasley was placed in Slytherin, a Gryffindor filled family and one of them being placed in their rival house, you don't get it your family is proud of Slytherin, I don't hate the Slytherins it's just I can't be in this house and go home" I said harshly more harsh than I intended

"It's going to be alright you have us" Theo said

"Yeah I just hope to Merlin it's enough" I said and we all walked out me with my head slightly down

I was disgusted in myself, disappointed with how I was sorted into the house that my parents hated most of the time. I felt like I didn't belong yet at the same time I felt right at home. Today was the first day of classes and my first class was potions with pansy, daphne, Theo and Draco. I walked silently along side pansy and Daphne with Draco and Theo close behind flanking me in a protective manor. I knew why they were doing it and part of me was grateful for it but it was also very sad for me. I brushed off the emotional distress and sat down at the table with my group of Slytherins. Harry Potter was in this class with his Weasley blood traitor of a friend and that muggle born girl Hermione. Ron had convinced them Slytherins were all turned evil at the end of the day.

Yet he wasn't right yet he wasn't entirely wrong either, majority turned to dark arts. Or joined Voldemort's side and became death eaters and such. My parents for example were the few of a Gryffindor line and ravenclaw that joined the dark side. And for the future of our family they would most likely marry me off to a pureblood and force me to get the mark as well. I hated the idea of it all, hated the fact they were going to force this upon me I already knew it. I've read their minds countless of times when it came to that topic. It was loud and clear they wanted me to marry a pureblood and become a death eater along side my husband. Which they were thinking of Draco or Theo as potential partners for me in marriage.

Not that I hated the idea but Draco was more of a sibling to me than anything at this point. Yes Theo was good looking and I can't imagine him getting ugly in the future. His family hade quite the good looks when it came to aging even his father still looked decent for being the age he is. As snape entered the room he began talking and announced that there won't be any foolishness going about in his class. Harry Potter was writing things down so he remembered them when snape called him out on it. And he knew absolutely nothing for the questions snape asked so snape took ten points from Gryffindor and turned to my table.

"Ahh Miss Hawthorne do know the happen to know the answers?" Snape asked

I sigh to myself he knew that I knew the answers especially with how hard I was forced to learn.

"Asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death. A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. As for monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite" I stated

"Good ten potions to Slytherin, and why isn't anyone writing down what she said" snape hissed

Getting the attention off me while the others began to write the things I just said on their prices of parchment paper. I already had the things written down within my textbook from previous knowledge while Agatha taught me. After potions was charms, then transfiguration, after that was herbology. Next rolled around lunch and then my last three classes which were history of magic, astrology and defense against the dark arts.

That week went on after that and time seemed to fly faster than I anticipated and or liked it to have gone. Because now I've realized I've been at Hogwarts for about two months and the nearest break was just around the corner. A week away and I'd be back home to be punished for the house I was sorted into. I dreaded it as the closer we got to the end of the week I ate less and less getting weaker much to Draco and Theo's dislike.

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