Chapter 43

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Lucas watches Samantha as she reads through a book. Although is keeping his features as neutral his head is spinning. The story of her mothers death has left him in a shock that he ashamedly didn't even know what to tell her once she had finished. Comfort had been all he could provide. He knows what it's like to go through trauma, but Samantha is next level. He has no idea how she keeps going, even if she is a mess, it's an inspiring kind of mess. A mess that he wants for himself, so protect her from anymore harshness the world has in store for her. His chest squeezes at the uncertainty in front of them. All it can take is one thing to go wrong. One thing.

"What's wrong?"

"Hmm?" he mumbles, raising his eyebrows. She softly touches his wrinkled forehead.

"You're frowning. What are you thinking about?"

He forces a small smile, "Nothing baby," he replies with a kiss to her forehead. She squints, seeming like she wants to say more but his phone stops her. Julian's name flashes on the screen. Finally he calls.


"So we contacted Harlow's wife and asked if there was anything at all the key could lead to," Lucas practically can hear his smile, "Guess what?"

"Spit it out," Lucas snaps.

"Okay, then, Harlow's grandma had a dinky unit in a storage garage, in a dinky town."

"What dinky town?"



"What!" Lucas practically jumps when Samantha yelps, "Occoquan is not a dinky town. It's beautiful there." Lucas turns to her with a roll of his eyes.

"It's very pretty," she insist.

"I believe you."

"Oh Samantha is there, tell her I say hi."

Lucas rolls his eyes as he gets up to get dressed. Where else would she be? "I'll drive you to the station to you once Vaughn gets here, I'll be there in 45."

"Vaughn is on his way already I told him and you didn't tell her hi," Julian pouts.

"See you in 30," Lucas says and hangs up. He shoves his shirt on and jacket on with one hand and grabs pants with the other. Turning to grab a tie he stops at the stare Samantha is giving him from where is laying on the bed.

"What?" Lucas ignores the threat swelling in his gray sweats by the near sight of her hair strewn across his pillow. She is truly so beautiful. All his life he has been used to good looking women trying to get his attention, but none of them every made him feel like he was the one who needed to get her attention. A women like Samantha is out of everyone's league, even his own.

"It 9: 30, by the time you get there it will be 10:30. Who knows what time you will be back," she says.

Lucas sighs, "This is a good real lead, whatever he must be hiding could be of real worth. Last time we waited it went bad." Samantha pulls herself up her hands fidgeting on her lap.

"It's dark outside, more dangerous things happen at night," she practically mumbles. Lucas goes to sit next to her with a sigh. She lays her head on his chest hugging his middle. He kisses the top of her head letting her hold him for a few more moments.

"What I was little," she unexpectedly says in a soft tone, "I would lay with my brother and hear his heartbeat. I would do it often, until he got old enough to start getting annoyed by it. I could be having the worst days but hearing the soft thump for a few seconds, I could breathe. Most my anxiety and worry would go away. I could breathe because-" she pauses.

"You knew for a fact he was safe and alive," Lucas finishes for her. She nods.

"I haven't felt such peace over knowing someone is safe and alive with me in a long time. I worry for Colik all the time, but hearing your heart beating strong," she pauses hesitating. Lucas himself is surprised she is admitting this to him, but hearing is makes his emotions go crazy.

"Hearing your heart beat I can breathe," she finishes shuddering a breath against his chest, "and I know you worry about me worrying and I swear I can handle it, but having you here- I just. I want to know I will be able to hold you safely like I would hold my brother." Lucas leans his head against the headboard closing his eyes. How is he going to say goodbye if it comes to that? How will he let this women go, if he can't even bring himself to say he might have to. His heart squeezes at the thought of it.


"Samantha," he pulls her completely unto his lap and holds her as close as he can, "I promise I will come back safely and tomorrow you will hold me again."


"I already promised."

"Okay," she sniffles, "Goddam pregnancy."

"Don't cry baby, I'll be back," he wipes a tear that slipped out, "But Vaughn should be arriving and I have to go."

"Just give me another second."

"Okay," he agrees, feeling her weight on him. As he lets the second prolong, a bad feeling hits him. Like this moment is too good to be true. Too good to last. With a shake of his head he pushes it away needing to concentrate on his job now.

"Be careful," she calls to him as he exits the room upon hearing Vaughn.

"Always," he answers. 


Is his feeling right?

Much love<3

A little note:

Every time I write a new chapter I am at a different point in my life. I have lost friends and people. I went through my little time in high school and all the drama. I went through 3 jobs and am now in college in a great job. SO much has happened, I have had to learn to let go. But even if I take weeks of breaks in between, no matter what my books and writing are always with me. In the midst of everything that is something I can hold on to. I published for the first time in July 2022 now even though it is only two years later my life is so so different now. I am thankful to still have this book and my other writings.

No matter the subject of the book. Reading and writing are good escapes of the world. They won't fault you. Hold on to that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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