Chapter 1

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**Chapter 1**


When Samantha walked into her smoothie store of choice, the last thing she expected was to be robbed. Of course, she should have seen it coming, seeing as the store is in the sketchy part of town, but she wasn't as alert as she usually is. Her anxiety had been through the roof, and she'd only been concentrated on getting out of the loud shop. Now she has to go to the police station to report her purse stolen—an act which will cause her to be late to work. Samantha bites her cheek as she trudges to the station. Something feels off today, the weather is gloomy like feels it too. She swears at herself for getting creeped out by the cliché light fog covering the area. Perhaps taking the bus would have been the better idea.

"Ugh!" She groans in frustration as her heel gets caught in a drain. Pulling back, she tugs at it, trying to loosen it.

"Stop!" A gruff voice yells.

Samantha snaps her head up, thinking it was to her. A feminine scream pierces through the air, followed by the sound of people running. Samantha yanks her foot harder as the footsteps sound closer. A shot rings out, followed by two more.

"Oh, dammit," she curses. She releases the strap on the heel and ducks into the nearest alleyway, leaving behind her shoe. Scrambling to find something to hide behind, she only sees the dumpster. She tightly tucks herself behind it, ignoring the foul smell that hurts her nose. Using some boxes to her left, she makes it, so she is as hidden as possible.

It isn't perfect, but it'll do. A shout comes from next to the alley entrance. Putting a hand to her stomach closes her eyes, praying they won't enter it, but of course, given her luck, she hears steps right in front of the dumpster.

"You should have listened," a man says.

"I won't cower as all the other ones have," a woman shouts, "people deserve to know the truth and I know everything the governor has been doing. I know about the gang on his paycheck and the people he has killed!"

Samantha's eyes widen. She remembers the very publicized trial set to take place soon. Something about a Governor being investigated. She'd dismissed it because of the many backed-up sources saying the trial was pointless, as the governor is a good man. Before she can realize what she is doing, she pulls out her phone from her pocket, the only thing that didn't get stolen. Making sure it's on silent, she starts recording, angling the phone just enough that she gets the woman and man in view. In the fog, she can't make out their features, only the women's red hair.

"Shut up," the man growls at the woman and then hisses into the phone, "I got the reporter."

"Good, I assume are sure they have destroyed her evidence?" a voice crackles through a phone.

"I am very sure," the man replies. Samantha can almost hear the grin in his tone.

"Put me on speaker."

"You are."

"I am? Well, you'd think there would be an alert for that, anyhow Ms. Martínez, you have truly done a terrific job. Truly, I congratulate you."

"Go to hell, Gordon," the woman spits. Governor Gordon? Samantha whispers to herself.

"Brave even at the end, pity I could have used your skills."

Police sirens sound in the distance. Someone else must have heard the gunshots.

"Alright, you got your call. I have to go."

"Such a pretty face," Gordon sighs, "kill her."

"Finally," the man says as he lifts a gun into the air.

"May God have mercy on my-"


The phone almost slips from Samantha's grasp as the woman's body jerks back to the ground. A gaping hole in her head with blood seeping out. Samantha's blood turns cold as her breathing gets heavy. She forces her eyes to remain open, despite wanting to push away the image. It was so long ago since she saw a similar one, but now she feels twelve all over again.

The man bends over the woman, pressing two fingers to her neck. He stands as the sirens get louder, nearing their location. Backing up towards the other alley exit, he tucks away his gun under his shirt. The police get closer and closer, yet the man remains in the alley, his gaze sweeping it. Samantha stills her body, knowing if he looks just a little more to the left, he will see her. Her gaze falls on a fancy tattoo with the number 166 on his arm. Just as the police pull up, his empty eyes meet hers. The world seems to turn into slow motion, his eyes narrowing on the phone, realization clear on his face. He makes a move with his gun, but the sound of a walkie-talkie stops him. With a scowl, he turns and runs away.

Samantha lets out a breath, feeling dizzy with relief. She looks back at the woman, wanting to help her, but knowing it's too late. A sob escapes as she cries for the woman's family. For the twelve-year-old waiting for her. She barely notices the policemen approaching her, their guns out.

"Ma'am it's okay, you're safe now," one of them says, putting away the gun.

Samantha wipes away her tears, attempting to calm herself. They told her the same thing that night.

"Are you hurt in any way?" the policeman asks her. She looks up at him, being brought back to the present. There will be justice this time, she has the option to help this time.

"I got it all on video."


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