Chapter 27

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"Lucas?" Samantha looks up from her book surprised to see him standing there.

"Are you going to sleep yet?"

"I'm about to," she sets the book down, "why?"

"Making sure you don't lock your door," he takes a seat in his spot.

"What are you doing?" Samantha asks confused. She thought keeping distance was not being near one another. Sleeping next to her is not keeping his distance.

"I'm sitting down, isn't it obvious?" he says.

"Not funny," she says, "your not sleeping here tonight."

"Not funny? You'll have to teach me how to properly tease someone then," he grins. Samantha starts getting annoyed. He knows what he is doing and is trying to play it off. Already she is trying to ignore the fact he is wearing a white t-shirt, unlike his usual dark-colored bedtime attire. It makes his light tan pop out more and his blue eyes seem lighter.

"You can't sleep here tonight," she insists.

Lucas crosses his arm and leans back, "If you think I am leaving you here to have that dream of yours, you are very mistaken."

"B-but we are supposed to act professional," she sputters.

"I don't see why that means I can't continue to sleep here. We did it the first couple of nights and it went well."

"That was before you kissed me!"

"And you kissed me back. Let's just call it even."

"You can't call a kiss even."

"I am not leaving Sama- sorry, I mean Myers. I'm not and I'm actually quite tired, I didn't get much sleep last night."

Samantha frowns, "You said you slept well this morning. Were you lying?"

Lucas grins, "No, I wasn't. Relax, just go to sleep. Despite what you might think I am a grown man, I am sure I can properly restrain myself from trying anything."

Samantha turns off the light and shimmies into her blanket. She closes her eyes and tries to ignore his presence. After what seems forever she huffs not managing to fall asleep.

"Lucas?" she whispers. He doesn't reply for a few seconds and she supposes he is asleep.

"You forgot to call me Flynn," he suddenly says.

Samantha jumps slightly, "I thought you were sleeping."


"You know you have two first names? Your last name can be counted as a first name," she blurts after a couple of seconds of more silence.


"Yes, just found it weird. I really thought Flynn was your first name when I met you."

"Huh," the chair squeaks as he changes position, "want to know something weirder?"

"Sure," she replies curious.

"I have a last name for a middle name."



Samantha rolls to her side to face him, his outline lightly illuminated with the glow seeping in through the window. "Do tell."

"My mom wanted to represent her last names in us but wanted to keep our last name as Flynn. Since her last name was Roman-Alverez she gave each of her sons a part for their middle name."

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