Chapter 22

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"Fine, you want me to talk. I'll talk," he wags a finger, "just don't get all weird when I do, because I wasn't talking for your benefit."

"Now I really want to know."

Lucas is quiet for a bit as he stares at her. "I told Julian to not flirt with you because you're a witness," he says suddenly.

"I am aware."

"He has ignored me continuously and continues to make moves at you."

"To bother you. Since you told him not to."

"Maybe at first, but he likes you now."

"Oh please, he's only messing around," she says amused.

"I know my brother. He likes you. I knew he would, which is why I told him to back off from the start."

"Back off? Is there a rule that he can't date me?"

Lucas's forehead wrinkles, "Not specifically. Why are you interested?"

"No," Samantha says.

"Then why did you ask that?"

"I was curious."

"So you are interested," he states like it's a fact.

"I'm not, but I don't like that you told him to back off like you can control my love life."

"But you're not interested?"

"Feeling repetitive Flynn? For the last time no I am not."

"What about the mess in the living room?"

Samantha's mouth drops open, "No way that you thought that we."

"No!" he says loudly, "No, not anything that far at least. I am only asking because I need to know if you two are involved. That might affect you as a witness."

"We are not involved," she assures him, "I mean he is hot and all."

"Hot?" he murmurs to himself.

"But we are only friends. Like you and me."


Samantha smiles, "See, wasn't that easy? You talked, and now you know there is nothing going on."

Lucas ruffles his hair. Samantha wonders if that's why he keeps it longer than the other agents. He seems to like messing with it.

"I made food, so you don't have to cook. Do you want to watch a movie or do you have work?"

"Um, yeah, I can watch a movie."

"I can fold your clothes if you want."

"No, leave it, I'll do it later."

Samantha gets one of the movies he got her from her room and takes it to the living room. She puts away her bag of candy and only brings two to prevent herself from throwing up. Lucas joins her on the couch, having changed into sweatpants and a simple t-shirt. Samantha sits in the far corner to put much-needed distance between them. It's what he usually wears when he sleeps on the chair next to her, but it's always dark, seeing it now in the light is even more impressive. She smooths out her hair, suddenly self-conscious about how raggedy she looks. The movie starts playing, starting with a Russian spy giving American kids a message to give the American Embassy. Thirty minutes into the movie, Samantha is hooked. The level of tension that the two men might get caught is perfectly balanced.

"Samantha," Lucas gets her attention.

"Huh?" she turns to him.

"I asked if you're liking the movie so far."

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