Chapter 39

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Samantha lies on the bed the next morning, her body completely exhausted. All evening the day before, Lucas kept through with his promise thoroughly. Once they were done for the evening, they rested and started up again at night. Each had stamina they didn't know they had.

She blinks at the sunlight not quite thinking of much, something which isn't usual of her. Groaning at leaving the warmth of the bed she gets up and does all her morning routine, when she come back he is still snoring away, making it the first time she woken up before him. She takes the opportunity to really look at him. The leap her heart makes at the thought of being with him after the trial tells her she is starting to love him. If she doesn't already. It scares the hell out of her. It scares her even more that if nothing works out like Lucas says it will at the end, Colik might be right. She trails a finger along his light stubble. The way the sun is shining through his messy locks makes his hair seem even lighter than his light brown. She lays her head on his bare chest, listening to his heart beat. A shudder passes through her as she remembers his fear that he is going to die due to his job.

"Good morning," he says in a raspy voice, waking up.

"Morning," she says back.

Lucas checks the clock and swears. "The guys will be here in a bit," he says kissing the top of her head and gently pushing her aside. He leaves the bed for the bathroom. Samantha watches his naked form as he brushes his teeth, in awe of how quickly they became comfortable with each other. Her chest squeezes as her brain leads to think of all the things that could happen that can tear them apart. What they have may be new, but it may prove to be what she has been waiting for. That is should they have the time to find out. She has been wrong before, but maybe this time there isn't a catch.

"What is it?" he asks, slipping into underwear and sweats.


"I know it's not nothing. I know that expression," Lucas pulls her to him, pressing her against his bare chest.

She frowns into his chest, "I'm just thinking about what Colik said. What happens if you don't get what you're looking for, and I am still in danger? Am I going into witness protection? Do I have to leave everyone behind?"

Lucas says nothing for a for seconds making her nervous, "I honestly don't know. You know how the murderer looks like. They don't take that lightly, but don't think about that right now."

"Should I be put into witness protection, you wouldn't be able to ever see men again, right? Because then I might be found?"

Lucas's silence gives her, her answer.

"So in less than two weeks, I might never see you again?"

"Because I won't let that happen."

"But what if it does? These last few weeks will have been all I get with you?" her voice cracks, "then what? We each move on until forget about this?"

"Samantha," he tilts her chin to him, "I will never forget this. Never, baby. I don't think I am capable of doing so even if I wanted to."

Samantha feels another pang of strong feelings for him at hearing him call her baby for the first time. "You think that now, but in a couple of months you might. It might be selfish of me, but I don't want you to forget me."

"How could I?" Lucas softly touches the hair, "How can I forget how soft this is, or your cute freckles around your nose," he trails his finger to her lips, "or how you feel against me? Of how when we come together, it's like nothing I have ever felt. Like I've reached heaven."

"I don't want this time to be all we have," she whispers.

"And I am going to do everything in my power to make sure it's not," Lucas says sternly, "Everything I can. I am in charge of you and I will make sure you do not have to leave."

"But what about-"

Lucas gives her a quick kiss, silencing her, "I assure it."

"I just-" She stops, struggling to find away to tell him how she feels without saying the word love, since it's too soon.

"You just what?" he asks.

"Being around you just makes me....I don' feel..ugh," she says, annoyed with herself.

Lucas grins, cupping her cheek, "I know."

"You know?"

"I do. It's the same way for me," he says, leaning to reach her highest and placing a long kiss on her lips. Samantha presses herself tightly against him, deepening the kiss.

"Don't do that, or I won't be able to leave the room and the guys are almost here," he warns. Gruff voices come from the kitchen as if on cue. "Speak of the devil," he groans. Samantha looks around for her shirt, but can't find it. Lucas, grabs a shirt out of his drawer and gives it to her to put on over her bra. He puts one on as well and grabs her hand.

"I swear to god you would become a millionaire if you sold your manly scent," Samantha says, sniffing the shirt he gave her as they go down the stairs. Lucas laughs, starting a reply, but suddenly freezes. He drops her hand and ruffles his hair nervously. Samantha follows his eyesight, confused, until her eyes land on a stranger standing next to Vaughn and Julian. He is a bit shorter than the men and his hair is more gray than black, but he looks even more intimidating. She looks between Vaughn, Julian, and Lucas, trying to see if she should be alarmed, but none of them seem particularly worried about his presence.

"Hello, Director," Lucas greets.

The man puts his hand on his hip giving him an angry look, "I see you have been making our witness feel at home." the man says.

Lucas looks down at her, "Uh..."


That'sss unlucky 

The way I would hide from embarrassment

DO you think Lucas can prevent her from leaving? Or is he bluffing?

Much love <3

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