Chapter 7

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The next two days pass quickly and at the same time annoyingly slow. Samantha doesn't spend much time with Lucas. The few times they saw each other, Lucas usually flees, or at least that's what it feels like to Samantha. He does however make a point of asking her several times a day how she is doing, and he forces her to eat food every three meals of the day. Anything to keep the witness alive. By the second night, she stopped her stubbornness against it and pushed herself to finish it all. Lucas seemed very pleased and was weirdly talkative that dinner. In addition to forcing her to eat the food, he stands outside the door whenever he hears her puke her guts out. No matter how quiet she tries to be about it, he typically hears her. Every time he waits awhile outside the door and thankfully always eventually leaves. For the two nights, she was able to force herself to stay awake and slept small naps during the day. This night, however, she isn't able to keep her eyes open. Samantha keeps trying to fight off her sleep, but knows it's pointless. By the fifth time they droop close, she pauses her movie and sets it aside. Maybe since she is so tired, she will sleep through the night. It's not long before her head tilts to the side, and she's gone.


Samantha opens her eyes to see herself right back in the kitchen she dreads seeing at night.

"Sammy, come over here," her mother whispers from the kitchen. A small Samantha with wild poofy hair scrambles over to her mother.

Samantha sighs.

"Mum, he's coming," she whispers, "come with me. We still have time to leave." Her mom kisses her forehead and cups her face.

"I'm going to talk with him. After tonight, we are safe, I promise."

"Mum, no come with me!" The steps creak.

Closing her eyes Samantha tries to espcape the dream, but it continues to play.

"Go now!" she hears her mother echoes in her head. Samantha feels her heart rate grow. She runs attempting to find the door out of the house, but everytime she reaches the door it changes places. The echoes of the events keep echoing in her head, unecaple and unchangable as always.

"You can't do shit, because you aren't worth shit! You're sick!" her fathers voices shouts through the whole house

"Stop it!" Samantha shouts into the hallway, "Leave me alone!"

"No!" her mother yells in a shadow raising a knife showing against the wall of the hallway. Samantha grabs her head unable to hold back the tears of pain and frustration. Loud knocking comes from the end of the hallway where the front door appears. 

"Police!" a man yells, "Open up!"

Samantha whips her head in the direction of the kitchen, "No," she whispers, she runs to the door holding it shut as the man across from it pushes against her hold. "NO!"

"MUMMY!" little Samantha screams from the kitchen. Samantha eyes widen as the force trying to open the door stops. 

"It's okay, it's okay," the same man says, "your safe now, your okay."

"No, no, no, no," Samantha says over and over again, "it's not okay."

"Your safe now, let me help you."

"NO!" she shouts searing pain hitting her, "you killed her!" she throws open the door with anger, yet it quickly fades into fear as she cowers away feeling herself become that 9 year old girl once more covered in blood. Her father sneers at her his presence casting over the whole house. He raises a large hand laughing as Samantha flinches away. Instead he points at her.

"No, you killed her," he smirks, "this is your fault."

Samantha coninues to cower until she is a ball on the ground, "I didn't mean to," she cries, "I didn't mean to."

"But you did."

"Stop it!" she shouts, "I didn't do it. Stop!"  


"No!" Samantha yells.

"Wake up, Myers!" she hears someone yell. She wakes up with a start, panting.

"Good, you're awake," Lucas says. Lucas? Blinking, her eyes adjust to the dark. Lucas is holding her arms, standing above her. She yelps and yanks herself away from his grasp. She breathes hard taking grasp of reality and not her torturous repetitive dream.

"Sorry," he apologizes, "you were screaming."

Samantha groans, "I am sorry for waking you."

"I don't mind," he sits down in the chair next to her bed, "want to talk about it?"


"Alright, but you'll find it helps."


"Suit yourself."

Samantha leans against the headboard, "I do talk about it. I tell my therapist, but it does nothing. It still happens every night."

"It happens every night?"

"Almost every night." Samantha turns on the lamp next to her, not liking not being able to see anything. Lucas blocks the light from his face, blinking rapidly. Samantha stares at him, almost dropping open her mouth. His hair is tussled with his soft curls loose instead of in the gel he uses, and there is no shirt where one should be. Smooth toned skin with rock hard abs leave Samantha, putting Lucas in a whole new category of attractiveness.

"I haven't heard you since before tonight," he says.

"Yes, uh," Samantha stares at her hands, "I've been taking naps during the day."

"You haven't been sleeping? Jesus, Myers, you are supposed to be getting better not losing sleep."

"But I have been, I just said-"

"Naps aren't enough for a pregnant woman," Lucas interrupts her. "From now on, you're to sleep every night."

"I never know when I'll have the dream," she mumbles, "I'll wake you up, and you probably need your sleep too."

"I'll sleep here," he shrugs.

Samantha feels her body heat rise, "Uh, what?"

"I'll bring in the comfy chair from the living room and sleep here. If you start having your nightmare, I'll wake you up."

"That still sounds unfair to you," she says.

"I need you to sleep, and I'm used to not sleeping much at night."

"Do you have nightmares too?"

Lucas rubs his neck, "Yes, but the guys don't know about it, so let's keep it between us."

"Alright." Samantha suddenly feels bad for judging him so harshly. "Thanks, Flynn."

"Sure. I need you completely rested for the trial," he stands stretching his back


"You're good for tonight?"


"I'll see you tomorrow then. I'm staying in again."

Samantha waves and pulls the cover over her. Perhaps Lucas is one of the good ones. She shakes her head. No, that's what she thought of Micheal, and that didn't get her anywhere good. She'll accept his offer, but she won't let herself trust him.


Now we know how her mom died :(

This was a sad chapter to write, but necessary for her background.

Please comment and vote and thanks for reading.

Love, love <3

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