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Lucas leans back in his chair, squeezing his stress ball again and again. "I've gone over everything again. There's nothing indicating Myers is involved with the corruption or murders. The attack on her was likely just an attempt to eliminate more evidence."

Vaughn's frown deepens. "I thought we already knew she wasn't involved."

"We did," He replies, "but I needed to confirm it myself. I have to be absolutely sure she's not mixed up in this before we proceed."

"Are you sure it's wise to keep her as a key witness? Do we really want to put a pregnant woman at risk?" Vaughn questions.

Lucas scratches his head. In the short time he's known her, Samantha has managed to get under his skin. But he can't afford to lose any remaining evidence.

"She's already at risk regardless of what we do," Lucas says firmly. "The best option for her is to be in protection while she's in that risk."

"I see," Vaughn says, wrinkling his nose. "You should change your shirt."

He glances down at his sleeve, stained with blood. When he pushed Samantha down, she hit her head hard against the corner of a table, causing her to pass out and bleed heavily. The sight of the blood makes him feel a pang of guilt. He'd rather she had a head injury than be dead, but the thought of a pregnant woman dying on his watch terrifies him.

"Lucas," Vaughn's voice pulls him back to the conversation.


"How is she?" He asks.

Lucas thinks about how Samantha would react to being referred to as a "girl." "Turns out she was in pretty bad shape already. She was highly dehydrated, losing weight, and just generally weak. The doctor said she's been overworking herself. Add the blood loss and stress from today, and it's only made things worse."

"Dear God," He says, "Are we sure she'll even survive long enough to testify?"

Lucas scowls. "Why would you even say that?"

"Sorry, wasn't appropriate," Vaughn winces.

"Don't underestimate her. She's strong. The only reason she's overworked is because she's determined to keep going, despite everything."

"Keep going towards what?" Vaughn asks.

" in general," Lucas replies, standing up and grabbing his gun holster and jacket. "I'm headed to the hospital now. Make sure to offer our condolences to the families of the patrol officers who lost their lives. They didn't deserve what happened."

"It wasn't your fault," his friend tries to console knowing it won't do anything. "You didn't know there was a shooter at Samantha's place."

"It doesn't matter. I'm in charge. The responsibility falls on me," He sighs, "Call all the local police again and see if they have any updates. Also, look into any recent large transfers from the governor's offshore accounts."

"I'm already on it," Vaughn says, putting on his jacket. "I've contacted the families, and the governor is too smart to use those accounts now. So there's no rush on that. I'll come with."

"Of course, you will," Lucas grumbles, as Vaughn throws him a grin.


"I just don't get how, if the ref saw that play, he didn't even call it. Everyone knows it was bullshit," Vaughn expresses his hatred for the latest football game. Lucas's mind being too busy, he doesn't even know which teams he speaks of.

Lucas holds up a hand shutting him up, "Behind that door is a sick pregnant woman who just had the little she has destroyed, show some respect man."

"Sorry," he mumbles.

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