I need a hero, save me now

I need a hero to save my life

A hero will save me just in time

I need a hero to save my life

I need a hero, just in time

Save me just in time

Save me just in time

Who's going to fight for what's right?

Who's going to help us survive?

We're in the fight of our lives

And we're not ready to die

Who's going to fight for the weak?

Who's going to make 'me believe?

I've got a hero, I've got a hero

Living in me

I'm going to fight for what's right

Today I'm speaking my mind

And if it kills me tonight

I will be ready to die

A hero's not afraid to give his life

A hero's going to save me just in time

I need a hero to save me now

I need a hero, save me now

I need a hero to save my life

A hero will save me just in time

(I need a hero)

Who's going to fight for what's right?

Who's going to help us survive?

(I need a hero)

Who's going to fight for the weak?

Who's going to make 'me believe?

I've got a hero

I need a hero

A hero's going to save me just in time

Hero I sighed as it ended comatose starting. Hero is the best song ever it’s gotten me through thick and thin. I thought as I sang along with comatose subconsciously.

Just after monster finished and the last night came on. My Mum knocked on my Door. Darling. Derek is going to be here soon front doors unlocked for him. Your father and I are heading out we’ll see you tonight for dinner love you and happy birthday.

I love you Mum see you tonight!!

       Goodbye sweetie I love happy 16th my father hollers from downstairs. Love you Daddy thank you!! See you at dinner!! I holler.

I just love my parents yeah we may fight sometimes but when it comes down to it their all I got. Well them and Derek I don’t know what I would do without my Mum or Padre.

Eleanor hurried up Love!! Derek calls form downstairs.

I’m coming bloody goodness people. I just woke up. Oh 45 minutes ago id been in the shower a good 30 minutes. I thought in surprise (though there should be no surprise there) as I walked over to my closet my hair and body wrapped tightly in a towel. I grabbed out my neon green skinny jeans and a dark purple jack wills shirt. Tossing my high top converse on and throwing a skillet hoodie on I grabbed my nap sack and tossed it on the bed’ before heading into the bathroom to put on my purple eye shadow and some green eyeliner with just a bit of mascara and foundation. I thin quickly blow dried and straightened my long dirty blonde hair some.

Candyrella {a twist of off cinderella and a 1D fanfic :3}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin