Kaira is sharttered💔💔

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Sorry for not being able to post last week as I was having my exams. But now my exams are over and I will try to post more consistently. Do let me know your thoughts for this chapter and comments your views about how Kaira and Vihaan are going to be each other's forever .
"This is an unfiltered chapter. Pleac ignore my silly mistakes."
Everyone looked behind to see Shreya who came running towards kaira and was having a big smile on her face. She was about to hug Kaira but then she suddenly stopped.
Shreya:- I am so sorry!! Hyy !! You are so beautiful in real life too.
Kaira:- Calm down first!
Shreya:- Oh god! What's wrong with me. I am saying anything.
Kaira:- Hyy, I am kaira oberoi and you are??
Shreya:- I am Shreya and I am your biggest fan. You know what I have seen all your movies and they are so good.
Kaira:- Aaawww!! Thnku so much You are so sweet.
Everyone there was shocked as they were surprised seeing Shreya praising Kaira so much even Vihaan was startled by her sister's behaviour everyone there was staring both Kaira and Shreya clueless. And that was the moment they both realised they actually ignored everyone.
Shikha was the first person to speak after all this"What's all this Shreya. How you know Kaira before and why are you praising her so much."
Shreya:- Not only me , but entire India knows her. She is Kaira my favourite actress.
Rathore's and even Maheshwari's were shocked and surprised except Nishant after knowing about Kaira being an actress.
Shikha:- U are an actress.
Kaira:- Yes!!, but why are you all startled. I am just an actress not some alien.
Vishambhar ended by saying that " let's just proceed towards the veneration spot as the auspicious time has already started.
Everyone reached the place where all the arrangements for Ganesh puja were made and then pandit ji came and started arranging some stuff and then suddenly he asked for kapur.
Kaira gets confused and asked said" pandit ji why you want Mr. Kapoor". Do they need to be here??
Everyone started laughing at Kaira's stupidity and innocence.
Nishant slowly whispered in her hear"Duffer ! Panditji is asking for camphor not Mr Kapoor."
Then only kaira realised what actually pandit ji was asking for and she passed a small box lying in one plate to pandit ji .
Pandit ji:- this is what I needed.
Shikha:- How could someone be so dumb to not know about the kapur and its meaning.
Kaira was about to say something to defend herself but before her kaveri(Dadi) started speaking and said"it's ok, shikha. She is just a child don't she will learn things slowly and after coming to our place we will make sure that she will learn everything. Today also all the arrangements are very good.
Varsha:- Why would kiara come to your place.
Shikha:- After getting married to Vihaan she will definitely come to our place right. And also she has to give up her acting as daughter in law of rathore family cannot be an actress.
Kaira:- excuse me. What are you saying. Why would I leave my career. And why the hell woul I be your daughter in law.
Vishambhar roared at kaira angrily making her flinch:- Enough!! How dare you talk to shikha like this. Shut your mouth right now. You are such an indecent girl who has no manners of how to speak. These are the values your parents have given you. Moreover what wrong does she said. Why anyone belonging to a decent family would have a relationship with an actress . They have no class, no self respect, no dignity nothing. And you are arguing for a career in such a low class profession.
Kaira was so upset by his words that she can't even say a word she was standing their like an idol.
Vishambhar Didn't stop after all this and continued " Also how could you think that a girl like her is my granddaughter."
Kaveri:- Kaira helped me in morning as I faint. And she herself told me that she is your granddaughter.
Vishambhar:- Again turned towards Kaira and asked her in a very high tone" how dare you lie to her. You are not my granddaughter. Yesterday only you was saying that you love Naira and now you are trying to snatch her fiancé. You are not equal to shoes of my Naira's feet. How shameless you are still standing here without any guilt and also there is no tears in your eyes"
Nishant:- ok enough. Stop it dadu! And why are you blaming Kaira for all this.
Kaira was not able to take all this and left the place running trying to not show the tears that were in her eyes.
Nishant:- kaira only helped her . Dadi ji did she ever said that she is going to be your daughter in law.
Kaveri:- No. she just said that she is Mr. Vishambhar's granddaughter.
Nishant:- Then how could you imagine her to be Naira. Dadu she is your granddaughter too, whether you believe it or not but the truth will not change.
Nishant:- Kaveri dadi , don't you know that the name of your granddaughter in law is Naira and not Kaira.
Kaveri:- Mr. Vishambhar never told me the name of her granddaughter. So I thought kaira to be the one . As, she is a very sweet child who actually helped me alot.
Gayatri tried to handle the situation and said "the auspicious time has already started. I think we should start Ganesh puja"
Everyone started doing the puja but Nishant left the place to find kaira instead of attending the puja.
But along with Nishant there was one more person who was equally worried about Kaira and waiting for pooja to end fast so that he can also leave the place as soon as possible and I hope you all know who that person was.
As soon as the pooja ended Vihaan left the temple after taking blessings from all the elders.
Author's pov:-
Exactly to all who guessed it to be Vihaan . You all right, Vihaan was worried about Kaira. Isn't it weird our hero who doesn't show emotions for anyone is stressed due to a random girl whom he just met a few hours back.
Vihaan was in his car searching for Kaira when he saw Kaira and Nishant sitting together at the bank of the river and then only vihaan felt a little relaxed. But still his heart was aching and this was something new for him. As he never experienced such kind of feelings for anyone before. But he was just happy that Kaira was fine and left them alone and went back to his house
At Rathore mansion:-
Vihaan entered the house and was going towards his room when someone called her from behind.
Person:- So now you will ignore me haan.
Vihaan turned and a huge smile appeared on his lips as soon as he saw the person standing in front of him. He came running toward the person and hugged him.
Vihaan:- How can I igonee you bhua . You are the most important person for me.
In the entire family Vihaan is most connected with his bhua and she also loves him like his own son.
She adores Vihaan's face and then said "I am so happy that finally you are also getting married"
Vihaan was happy to see her happy but from inside he was not so happy with the thought of him getting married.
He just smiled and left the place and move towards his room.
Meanwhile at Maheshwari house
Gayatri :- Why you said all that to Kaira. She is our granddaughter too. How can you say that she is not your granddaughter. She is my granddaughter. She is my Vaidehi's(before she could complete) vishambhar stopped her and said"Don't ever take her name in my house and also she is not our daughter. She betrayed all of us for an outsider. She is the reason of our biggest misery. I will never forgive her for whatever she has done to us."
Vishambhar left and Gayatri had tears in her eyes and everyone else present there was also upset seeing all that just happened in front of them.
Varsha tried to console Gayatri and Naira bring a glass of water for Gayatri and make her have it despite her denial.
Naira take Gayatri to her room and help her laying in the bed and then after sometime she left the room and when she came to the hall her eyes landed on Nishant who just entered the house.
She ran towards Nishant and asked her about Kaira.
Naira:- Nishant where is kaira.
Why are you alone? Where is she ? Is she ok? Why you not bring her with you?
Nishant was quiet then suddenly varsha came running towards Nishant and asked the same questions.
Nishant:- She didn't come and probably she won't come. After whatever happened today. Dadu said so harsh words to her.
I can't believe he hate her so much that too when she is not even at fault.
Nishant saw Vishambhar coming in the hall and left the place in anger as he was in no mood to face him or argue with him.
In Mumbai (at oberoi mansion):-
Vaidehi and sidharth unaware of his daughter's whereabouts was calling her continuously as she was not picking their call
Vaidehi:- I am feeling really worried about kaira. I hope she is fine. Why is she not picking my call
Vaidehi was worried for kaira and sidharth was trying to calm her down.
Sidharth:- you are stressing for no reason Vedu. She will be fine. She is not a kid. You just calm down. She is out for work. She must be busy shooting. She will call you after getting free from her shoot.
Why kaira is not picking vaidehi's phone?
Where is she right now? What will happen when vaidehi will get to know about her daughter's whereabouts?How will she react? Is there some other reason that Vishambhar hates vaidehi so much??

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