Day 11

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Dear Diary,
Might sound crazy, but today was definitely the biggest news to be spreaded to the four corners of teyvat.

Right after I recovered, I went back to Kamisato estate. I'm helping the shogunate to do the clean ups, and I'm in charge of the funeral arrangements. Ms Hutao is definitely getting over flowed by the incoming business.

As for the budget, definitely from Ayatoast. Not only that, he even need to be fired and give his place as the Yashiro Commisioner. Sucks to be him, but the upcoming execution for him will solve all of his problem.

When I was cutting all the threads attached to the bodies with Thoma, I saw someone in that corner, squatting.

"KAMISATO?!" I screamed out. "Y/N?" Thoma asked to snap me back to my senses. No matter how much of a denial I am in...

That atrociously pretty face, that stupidly nice blue hair, that ugly mole on his mouth that tempts me to kiss it. Yep, no doubt it's Ayatoast.

"Oi! Kamisato!!" I ran to him. Ugh, that stupid glimpse of worry in my voice. "Wake up!" I shook him. "Ugh... B-brat?" He asked. "UGH! IDIOT!" I punched him in the abdomen. "Why are you in here and look so unhealthy?!" I asked and hugged him.

"Are you worried?" He asked. "Well- DEFINITELY! WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID?!" I asked with the anger rushing up my head.

"I knew it! I knew it's an imposter!!" You hugged his head. "Y/N...." he muttered. "Y-yeah?" I asked with a slight shade of red. "You're flat." He said.

Veins popped out my neck, when Thoma entered the room with a cup of warm water for Ayatoast, he was sent flying by Ayatoast crashing into him.

"You pest! Must you make fun of my chest size even in this timing?!" I screamed at him. "Well if it bothers you, get another girl to solve this for you!" I crossed my arms and turned away.

"My Lord and Y/N sure does pick up a fight easily... but to be honest, I missed this scene." Thoma said and looked at us with a relieved smile.

"Come on Y/N, don't get so worked up, since when did you care about your figure?" Ayatoast asked me slithered to me like an evil serpent.

He dares to ask? I am definitely having beef with him. But this calculating man had his way for me to melt in his touch. He dared to brush his finger along my waist, I'm sensitive, and ticklish, how can I forget that he knows?!

"Come on Y/N, help your helpless fiancé out." He whined. "FINE!" I surrendered.

"We must stop the ceremony at 6 p.m. tomorrow. " I told him. "Is something the matter?" He asked. "The imposter threw your reputation down the drain, now you lost your job as the commissioner, another man will take over." I told him.

"Is that so? I see... his plan nearly worked out, but too bad I have a beautiful and intelligent fiancée." He teased.

I just wanted to slap him and shove his lies back down his throat.

"Whatever is the case, we must clear things up." I said to him. Looking at the clock, time is almost up. "Let's go to the shogunate." I said.

"Madam Kujou, I am here to clear things up." I said at the Tenryou Commision. "Y/N and Sir Kamisato?" Madam asked.

"It's like this, there is a recent event where Kamisato is accused for serial murdering, however today when I was cleaning the Kamisato estate, I found him." I said and dragged Ayatoast beside me.

"Hold on a second, you meant that you found him inside Kamisato Estate?" Madam Kujou asked.

"Correct, chained up and unconscious." I said and showed Madam Kujou the cuffs on Ayatoast's hand.

To get Ayatoast out of there, I broke the chains, but not the cuffs.  "Strange, what is he doing in there?" Madam Kujou asked.

"Madam Kujou, I'm afraid that someone is plotting this behind the walls." I said to her. "We have a witness." I slapped Ayatoast's back.

Despite or efforts on trying to clear his name, it's like that annoying mark on a white napkin, left a little, but never gone.

Whatever, we can only try again tomorrow during the transaction ceremony.


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