Day 10

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Dear Diary,
If it was not for the Traveller, I would be dead by now. During day 7 I drank the tea and fell unconcious. Before I did, I managed to write down some of the diary for that day.

I woke up light headed, and found myself hanging on the ceiling with other bodies. Right below me was Ayatoast, looking back at me.

The skin concealing his identity is almost gone. Whopperflower leaves are piercing out of his skin. Half of his face had fallen down, the lack of lighting made it creepier. The blood was staining a whopperflower face.

"You thought I didn't see you coming out if te office? Dearie, I trusted you." He said. It was the first time I noticed his eyes, blank and soulless. "How can you betray my love for you?" He asked and approached me.

"You hurt me." He said. It was creepy, I am definitely not going back to Kamisato estate ever again. I wanted to scream at him, but my mouth was sewn shut.

I always thought the saying in the streets about sewing your mouth shut was just a joke, never to actually have my mouth sewn shut.

There wasn't any wound on me, just the stinging pain on my mouth. That's it, I'll never be alive ever again, and I'll never find out the truth.

Surprisingly, he told infos that I coincidentally needed. "If it wasn't for Thoma's letter, I wouldn't know how have you perfectly avoided all my traps." Ayatoast said.

"But I still needed him as the bait for innocent girls like you, I'll deal with him later." He added. "You might spill something out if I did not keep you here." He tilted his head.

"Whenever I put sleeping powder in that tea, the green tea always turn red, I do not know why, but you had the intel, I had to brew special sleeping powder just for you."

He told me this story,

"Dearie? Thoma, where is Y/N?" Ayatoast asked and opened the door to my room. Nothing, just an envelope peeking out of my pillow, piqued his interest.

He flipped it over and found thousands of envelopes Thoma and I written to eachother all along.

He ran through one by one, facial expressions curling into mixed emotions, somehow angry and smiling.

"So it was Thoma all along that she's perfectly dodging all the traps." Ayatoast clenched the paper wrinkly.

"Thoma! Where is Y/N?!" He raged. "My lord! She went out... yesterday..." Thoma stuttered.

"Oh really? I'll wait for her return then..." Ayatoast gritted his teeth. Thoma wanted to tell me, but he had no way to reach me, he doesn't know where I am, he really couldn't help me this time.

Using the time of my time returning home, he brewed new sleeping powder.

He grabbed a girl who's not so dried up and skinned down her face, overlapping on his showing flesh. (eww)

I was left in there for approximately 3 days. It's not the wound that's torturing me, but the urge to eat and drink. I always hated gravity, I always look fat on the scale, and in this case I hate it more.

I wouldn't mind if I were tied up by ropes, but I'm tied by thin thread like a marionette. When time flies, gravity pulls me down and the thread sinks into my skin more, who knew soft threads I use daily for sewing can be sharp like daggers too.

Luckily, Aether told me Thoma found my Kamera and saw the pictures inside. He submitted the pictures to them and they managed to find me in time.

Ayatoast is now arrested and locked up, I received some medical treatments.

His reputation is definitely going down the drain this time.


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