Prolouge II: Contracts

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"Well, would you like to eat that dog stew again?" You asked. "Definitely not, no matter how much I missed it." Ayato said.

"But you have to be clear, the point of us having this marriage if because our parents shipped us together." Ayato said. "I know, we are just fulfilling the dreams of our deceased parents." You replied.

"By the way, I'll be leaving to Fontaine and study law, tomorrow." You informed. "And?" He asked. "I'll be returning after a few years." You replied.

"Which is?" He asked. "At least 7 years."

He spat out his tea and coughed. "Then if you come back, aren't I going to become an old man??" He asked. "You already are." You replied.

"I am not." Ayato replied. "You are 30." You highlighted. "You drink alot of boba tea." You said. "So?" He asked and pulled out boba tea from his sleeve, almost instantly. "Boba tea contains alot of sugar, which-"

He slurped loudly intentionally to annoy you. "Destroy your pancrease, which produces insulin to break down sugar-"

He slurped his boba drink loudly beside your ears.

"Unabling to break down sugar makes high sugar blood levels-"

The sound of his slurping rang in your ears again.

"Which causes diabetes...." you finished your last sentence.

He looked at you quietly, and slurped a few more times to annoy you. You grabbed his boba tea and threw it away. "Hey! My drink-" "Listen here old man, I'm tryna teach you science!" You said.

He sighed and sat there quietly as you lectured him. "Not only that, boba tea consists of tea, milk, and starch. Excessive starch is converted into glycerol and fat, causes that." You pointed at his stomach.

"Hey! I'm not fat." He defended. "Tea decreases calcium absorption rate, which causes osteoporosis." You lectured him.

"What about milk? It gives calcium." He asked. "Which you have to know it's artificial milk essence." You said.

"Which means you are now a old, diabetic, fat, osteoporosis and unhealthy man." You said. Every word landed on his head like boulders.

"Anyways, I should prepare for my journey tomorrow, bye." You said and left. "Bye, I won't miss you." He teased. "I won't too." You replied.

The next day, you are standing at Ritou, waiting for The Crux to arrive.

"Y/N! Y/N!!!" A voice called out to you.

"Thoma?" You asked as he rushed up to you. "My lord told me to give you this." Thoma stuffed a package in your arms.

"All on board!" Beidou called out. "Have to go now, bye Thoma! Tell Ayato his package is as pathetic as him!" You said and ran up the ship.

You stood on the boat embracing the wind blowing at you. After days of swaying in the sea, you finally reached Liyue harbour.

"Thank you Beidou!" You thanked her and went on a long journey to Fontaine. Constantly stopping by places to rest.

"Hey, young lady, are you aware where you are?" A person asked. You looked over your shoulders and is greeted by a troop of treasure hoarders.

"Hand over your valuables." They threatened. You searched your pockets for valuables and took out a bracelet with the Kamisato symbol.

Uhm... this one was given by Ayaka, definitely not giving it to them.

You though and stuffed it back to your pocket. "I'm sorry, I don't have much valuables with me at the moment." You tell them. "I don't believe you, at her boys." The leader comanded.

Facing the charging treasure hoarders, you ran away while they chased, one even fired his crossbow at you.

You saw the incoming arrow and was too late to dodge it, until the sound of ricochet told you that you're safe.

It's the traveller in his stance, powerful and confident. "It's traveller! Run!!!" They ran away like frightened cockroaches. "Prepare to be blown away!" He jumped up and threw a tornado at them.

"Are you okay my lady?" He asked. "Whoa! Traveller! Right in the flesh!" You gasped.

After your parents' passing when you're a pre adult, you are accepted by the akademiya. When traveller arrived in Inazuma, you're in Sumeru.

However when traveller arrived in Sumeru, you returned to Inazuma. Your paths finally crossed in Fontaine.

"Sir Kamisato commissioned me to protect you until Fontaine. You must be Miss (surname) Ayato's fiancée." He said. "Pa-" "Paimon and the traveller, Aether, geez, Kamisato sure does have alot of tunnels, he can even get his hands on the traveller." You said.

"Did he... not tell you?" Aether asked. "I would've expected some shuumatsubans, but not you." You replied. "Sadly Shuumatsubans are not really recommended to leave Inazuma, so he had us to help." Paimon said.

"This man is not a man of his words, he said "OoH, I wOn'T eVeN cOnTaCt yOu." And this is him now, telling the almighty traveller to stalk me." You taunted him.

"Just take it as a coincidence, our next stop in Fontaine anyway. Since both of our destination is the same, might as well together." Paimon blabbered.

"Why? Did you have a fight with him?" Paimon asked. "We never had a sweet relationship, never." You replied. "At this way, Ayato sounds like Wanderer." Paimon said.

"Doesn't sound very Ayato to Paimon." Paimon added. "He's only like that to me, he's a gentleman to others." You poured out.

You continued to Fontaine and they escorted you to Fontaine safely.

"Thank you for your energy and time, I'll give him an earful once I meet him again." You told them. "It's really not a problem." Paimon insisted.

Bidding eachother farewell, you entered your dorm. You threw your luggage on the bed and sat beside it.

I wonder what did Kamisato put in this? Not some pranks right?

You opened the package in it. There is a bag of mora, a set of Fontaine looking clothes, and a letter.

Before you open the letter, you dropped it and ran far far away.

A letter? From Kamisato?! Nope! Nope! Something's definitely up. Ugh that horrendous aura reeking from this letter....

You wanted to wear full gear just to open that envelope as if something real bad is going to happen if you touch it. Carefully, you approached the letter.

Alright, let's see what he has for me.

You sighed and ripped open the envelope. You had a box of tissue beside you incase you cry too hard on his tease.

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