Day 4

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Dear Diary,
As usual, I woke up to the same thing. Food on table, letter under pillow.

It was a close call for yesterday, luckily it's not my lord that poured the blood on your bed but that time of the month. I made some red dates syrup and red bean paste buns for breakfast.

They say red dates are good for girls on their menstrual phase, I always made them for My lady, I hope you take care of yourself.

Judging on the blood just now, you probably lost alot, I'm afraid that you'll get iron deficiency, so I made some red bean paste.

Girls should take more care of yourself okay?


Such a caring man, never fails to make me feel warm. However, I always see Ayatoast at the corner of my eyes today, seems like he's going to strike me at any time. He seems to be jealous when I'm with my discussion with Aether and Mr Shikanoin.

In my knowledge, Ayatoast always has works piled up to the ceiling, he looks free all the time recently, yet I can't go check on his progress by work.

He never has any romantic feeling towards me, why would he look jealous? It's definitely not like those wattpad stories that goes "I bully her because I like her" troupe.

Knowing him, a rational man, doesn't do anything else, except bribery. He'll never murder, right?

What was left is only two options, he had gone insane, this Ayatoast is just an imposter.

Yet if I come to think of it, what can possibly drive him insane? Works? Well if that's the case, he'll be crazy long ago.

But who else dares to use Ayatoast's identity? And if it's really true, where is the actual Ayatoast now?

Those ran through my head when I investigated the case with the Traveller and Mr Shikanoin. His stare became uncomfortable and scary, hence I brought a kid with us.

Miraculously, I felt safer that way. Sadly, the kid can only follow us until evening. I was told to do the final inspect, to open the office door.

I'm not ready yet, I'll probably open it after a day or two. I encountered him again when I reached home. He stopped me right before I was about to enter my room.

"Dear, what exactly are you doing with Mr Shikanoin and traveller?" Ayatoast asked almost instantly when I reached home.

"I was on an investigation, don't worry." I replied. He doesn't seem to take it and glared at me for a while. "Really, we are almost done." I added to put his guard down.

"When I did, I'll ignore them." I added. Sounded like negotiating price for something, but this "thing" is my life. That seemed to hold him off, he hugged me later on.

"You don't give signs of affection." I said, hoping to get a glimpse of his breaking character, but he replied: "I should act more affectionate so our future marriage can be happier."

Sounded perfectly fine, for an ordinary human. But for me, this isn't Ayatoast at all. Someone must have researched our relation bewteen eachother.

Too bad they did not know how prickly we are to eachother. He must have not know that we are the type of couple to be sitting on the dining table with wide grins, but under the table cloth we are pinching eachother's thighs.

I did not respond to him any further and returned to my room. It was confirmed, this Ayatoast is an imposter.

Now it's about exposing him and finding out where is the real Ayatoast.


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