Day 1

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Dear Diary,

The next day I woke up, I carefully wrote a letter to thank Thoma and hid it under my pillow. I got ready and head out of my room.

I saw Ayatoast sitting at the table, eating breakfast while he read light novels from Yae Publishing house.

Everything seems normal if you ask me.

I thought. "Oi Kamisato." I called him. "Yes sweetie?" He asked. A chill instantly ran down my spine.

Calling me pet names instead of my surname? This is not normal... why suddenly became Mr nice guy?

I sweatdropped and squeezed out: "Morning..." From my mouth.

I walked out to buy food, coincidentally bumped into traveller. "Traveller! Any luck at the investigation?" I asked.

"Yes, previously we are investigating a recent missing girl called Yumiko." Aether replied.

The story kind of goes like this:

"Who's the recent missing one?" Aether asked. "According to our collected data, the most recent one was a few weeks ago." Heizou gave Aether a file to check on.

"Miss Yumiko, date of disappearence 23 February 2024. Last seen was in the morning before disappearing, last activity, out picking flower" Heizou said.

"Then let's go to that garden." Aether said and went with Heizou. "Look, a pathway." Heizou said. "If a pathway is always used, plants will avoid growing there." Aether said out his thoughts.

"Look!" Paimon pointed at another pathway of trampled flowers. "That must be left by a culprit!" Paimon added. "If it takes years to create a pathway with no growing plants, this trampled flowers must indicate that the user had just used it recently!" Paimon said.

"Great thinking Paimon! Let's gather up suspects." Heizou said.

"And that's everything." Aether said. "Mind if I lend a helping hand?" I asked. Paimon was about to say something, but I cut her off.

"I have some intel that might help." I said. They both paused and looked at me.

"And that's basically what I got from Thoma's letter." I told them technically everything I received in the letter, excluding the house rules though.

"Mr Kamisato... as our suspect...." Heizou fell quiet. "Sounded wrong but..." Heizou continued. "Maybe you can help us investigate the Kamisato estate." Heizou added.

Thus I started to investigate the case, with my idol, traveller. "You're finally home dear." Ayatoast told me. "Yes." I replied and rushed into my room.

I don't really have much courage to face him now, after Thoma's warning, I am scared of Ayatoast, running away and hiding from him like mice.

I should write a letter to Thoma.

I ripped out a paper from my notebook and started writing him a quick and short letter.

  Thank you for your warning, I'll keep it to heart now. Do you know if Kamisato will try and trick me into those not to do's? Do you have tips to encounter it?


I slid it down my pillow and slept on it, first night, and I'm are already restless. Wondering what fate can bring me if I made the wrong move.

Good night for today.


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