Day 7

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Dear Diary,
Despite my efforts, Yumiko died that night. I returned to Kamisato estate, I must take the pictures and submit them to Mr Shikanoin.

When I headed home, Thoma seemed to be very worried of me. He lets out his long held bated breath when he finally saw me.

I entered my room, and was greeted by a pool of blood, down the sheets on the floor. I thought it's just a bit like... the misunderstanding last time, but no.

Sneaking back into the office I took as much pictures I can, surpressing the disgust that's running up my throat. Before Ayatoast can enter I fled from the scene.

I went in my room and placed the Kamera on the table. As long as I bring it to a Kamera shop and print out the films, i should be able to submit them to Mr Shikanoin.


"Dearie... would you like a cup of tea?" He asked when I was sitting by the table, thinking of my next plan. That shiver went down my spine like ants crawling on my skin.

He was looking at me, so horrifying, full of untold anger. Quietly took the cup of tea from his hand, it's just green tea, I'm starting to doubt him.

But since it's not red, I should be

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