Day 6

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Dear Diary,
Today, is the day. I am opening that door no matter what. I received my letter under the pillow and saw Thoma's letter.

  It's been a few days you did not update me. I'm a bit worried about you, are you sure you're not in danger or anything?


Instantly, I wrote a letter back to him. But he's going to see it next morning, I should write my letter imagining I wrote it tomorrow.


Sorry Thoma, I was too busy on investigating with Aether until I forgot to update you.

I opened the office door Yesterday night, the mystery will be over soon.


Because I didn't actually open the office door yet, I just don't know what to write, yet I don't wanna procastinate my replies and make him worry about me further.

Ate my breakfast and went to buy the Kamera. Luckily the Mora I had is sufficient. This is the last procedure, to wait until midnight and strike.

It's been hours and finally I made it. Quietly slid open the door and tried to see what's inside with a lantern. Everything seemed normal at first sight.

The handle is dusty, when I rubbed my fingers against eachother to get rid of the dust, it caught a falling droplet. A drop of red liquid. It fell from above and I looked up, traumatised by the scene before me.

I saw young ladies hanging on the ceiling one by one with threads, their mouth was sewn shut and brown marks trailed down, oxidised blood.

It reeked of perfume, the fragrance became nose torturing somehow. No, the blood that fell on my hand is not Oxidised, someone in here must be alive.

I tried to search the hanging bodies one by one to find the possible girl that's alive, and alas, I found her, Yumiko.

It's surprising that she's still alive after a few weeks of staying here, no eating, no sleeping, no drinking and is constantly bleeding. You quickly untied her and brought her down.

"Miss? Are you okay?" I attempted to ask for her consciousness. She opened her eyes weakly and saw me, as if her foggy mind instantly cleared up.

She did not care about the pain and ripped the threads that was sewing her mouth. "Y/N, the handle... it's a trap!" She said.

I saw her covered in crimson blood, I am petrified, not even daring to losen up. Footsteps rang in the dark, every tap sent shivers down my spine.

Someone suddenly slid open the door, Yumiko had already brought me and hid under the office table together.  She even slapped out the lantern light. There was a slight silence in the room and the footsteps continued into the room.

It stopped infront of the office table, the person and us is only separated by a piece of wood.

(Looks kinda like this)

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(Looks kinda like this)

He was about to flip over the table, but something fell on the floor, made a loud thud, right on time to divert his vision.

According to Yumiko, some of the body detached and fell off the ceiling, but if it wasn't for it, I wouldn't be writing the diary ever again.

I basically spent my night outside in Chinjiu Forest. I don't want to be hung up there. It is my opportunity to ask her for some informations.

"Hey Miss Yumiko, may I ask, why is the door handle a trap?" I asked. "I suppose you figured out the door handle is dusty." She replied with a weak voice.

"Soon he'll see the speckles of finger marks on the door handle, he will surely know who touched it who had not." Yumiko squeezed out from her mouth.

She's a strong soul, to survive that many days of suffer. If I went back and wipe off all the dust, he wouldn't know a thing, however it's too late. I also forgot to take the pictures,

I must seek medical help for Yumiko before it's too late. Hence I carried her on my back, on the way I asked her further more about Ayatoast.

"Kamisato targets girls that's staying over his house, what are you doing there?" I asked. There seems to be hesitation in her eyes.

"If you don't tell me, I can't do anything." I told her. "Please don't be mad at me." Yumiko said. "Alright, I won't. It's all Kamisato's fault." I spat out.

"Sorry Lady Y/N, I actually... had a few months of secret relationship with him..." she muttered.

I wouldn't blame Yumiko, Ayatoast is the one to blame, cheater skankify, he dares to have relationships with other girls?!

What's wrong with him? Flirting with other girls and proceeds to murder them? What does he think he is? Female Praying mantis?

"I assume those... bodies are also... his ex?" You asked. "... yeah." She replied after a slight pause.

Such a unloyal jerk, I don't like this version of Ayatoast anymore. I like the original one, we might curse eachother out, but at least he is loyal.

I sacrificed my sleep to bring her to the nearby doctor, aren't I a good lady?


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