Battle Royale Much?

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                "Simón isn't participating? Maybe all he wants is to compare our strengths," Winter thought, "Still, a match between S-ranks is hard to come by. I'm kinda glad I came," he added. Each team stood on each side of the mat, "Tommy and Erik, right? I've already got a good read on these two from the fight they had earlier, but I have a feeling Erik his hiding something," Samuel thought, "Four-on-four? Does that mean my opponent is that girl, right?" Araceli thought, "I hope they go easy on us," Dwight thought with a sigh. "Well, then!" Tommy began, "Let's get started!" He roared, his blue aura billowing up from his body as he grew bigger. "The ability to grow bigger? Looks like he prefers a battle of strength!" Samuel thought, his red aura billowing from his body. "Nice! I like that you keep it simple!" He roared. They rush in, lunging in at each other. Together, they throw a punch that clashes their auras and strengths. An eruption of mana rushes over the room with a shock wave. They step around each other, gripping their hands and attempting to push each other back. A streak of black rushes past them, "Fast!" Dwight thought, watching Alan speed in his direction. "Is his speed his strong suit? Close-quarters combat will put me at a disadvantage!" he thought, "Creating distance is my specialty, though!" He condenses his aura by his arms, creating arrows of mana. "And attacking at that distance!" Dwight adds, launching the arrows out. Alan narrowly avoids the arrow directed at him, "A mana arrow?!" He thought, "A ranger?!" Jonathan asks, "This isn't a one-on-one anymore!" Araceli replied, "Alan! You have to take Dwight out as quickly as possible!" Samuel yelled, struggling to hold his own with arrows whizzing past him. "The interior of this facility was fortified using essence stones of the highest quality-" Mr. Sears began- "Average Mythics wouldn't be able to make so much as a dent in the walls, but this place has been completely wrecked in a matter of seconds!" He commented, "It's regrettable that we're sending only our young Mythics into the battlefield," Mr. Sears thought. "Our opponents are the most powerful S-ranks in the world!" Erik thought, "We have to brace ourselves and be prepared to not just grab their wrists, but break them if we need to!" he added, his air glowing white. "He's just wasting his energy," Jonathan thought, "I'm not going to go for his wrist or back! I won't follow his silly rules," he thought. "The only rule I live by is the survival of the fittest!" Jonathan declared, raising his hand over his head as he rushed to Erik's back.

                Catching a glimpse of Jonathan, Erik leaps away, sliding across the mat as he turned to face him. Barely avoiding the attack, the mat is ripped up by the force of the attack alone. "He had the intent to kill just now!" Erik thought, "But why did he hesitate?" He added, "Could he be scared?" He asks himself, "Damn it! I hesitated again," Jonathan thought, placing a hand on his heart. "Maybe I'm not cut out to be a Mythic," he added. "His name was Jonathan, right? I can't tell if he's got great judgement, or if he's just a coward!" Erik thought with a confused expression, "He doesn't seem aggressive, though," he adds, "Perhaps I really was mistaken," Erik thought back to a previous theory. "Perhaps Simón wanted us to go against each other so that he could test their strength," he reasoned. "He might want to see if they're prepared to fight the ants," he added. "If that's the case, I should really be a difficult test!" Erik decided, as his aura expanded. His hands grew fur and large claws. "A little taste of my true power should be enough!" He smiled. "The look in his eyes changed!" Jonathan flinched, "I need to get out of here!" He lunged to his right, but Erik leaped further to his left. Cutting him off with a swipe at him, "You're a pathetic coward! What a pity, you're probably one of the top S-ranks out there!" Erik growled, "Nothin' but monsters here. My match earlier was nothin', but child's play compared to this," Philip commented, "Nonsense! Your fight was cool!" Elliott replied.

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