No Plan B

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                "They decently managed to defeat 22 High orcs, but now there's over fifty-" Winter thought, looking out at the army of High orcs- "Am I going to have to play more of my cards?" The strike squad stood in fear as one of the many stepped forward, stomping to Richard. Face to face, it leaned in with a low growl. "What do we do?" The other swordsman asked, "Stand down. If we fight now, we'll die for nothing," Richard explained. The high orc screamed in his face, speaking an incoherent language. Suddenly, his eyes glazed over, and his head thrashed around before he spoke again. "Humans, Listen, humans!" it began, and Richard watched in horror, "I am Oogubugoo, and I wish to meet you!" The orc spoke, "Is he speaking our language with a spell?" the tank asked, "No, he's just a puppet. Someone else is speaking through him!" Gina explained before the whole strike squad began to panic. "Oogubugoo, are you the one who placed this barrier?" Richard asked, "Yes, I am the almighty shaman of the Oogugbu tribe!" The orc explained, "Human strength cannot destroy my barrier," they added. "Is there anyone stronger than you?" Richard asked, "Who would dare stand against me?!" The orc barked, "It's your choice: Die at the hands of my soldiers or follow them!" They explained. "No thanks, I've made my decision," Winter cuts the orc down. "Mr. Greats?!" Richard asked, looking in horror as the orc fell lifeless on the ground, "Come forth!" He commanded as the orcs began charging into battle. They were met by a smaller number of Shadow Soldiers forming from the ground in a surprise attack, cutting several of them down. "I can tell how strong the boss is based on the waves of mana coming from the lair-" Winter thought, while the three strongest Shadow Soldiers formed beside him- "But I'm stronger!"

                Macey approached Hunter's Guild operations at this dungeon site and looked around. She wore a hat, jeans, and a button-up shirt. "Miss Mears, isn't today our day off?" The manager asked, "Yes, but I'm looking for Winter. I mean-" She stuttered, "Mr. Greats!" She corrected herself. "He's been in the dungeon for just over an hour so far," the manager explained, "it must be a larger dungeon today!" Macey looked at the dungeon entrance and saw the barrier from the outside, "That's not normal!" She thought, walking over to the barrier. Macey placed her hand on the barrier and looked through the opaque magic to find high orc bodies everywhere, "There are orc corpses everywhere-" she thought- "They must have tried to get out, but they're stuck!" Macey rushed to the mining team's gear and grabbed a pickaxe, "I'm going inside!" She rushed back to the barrier, "What? Is something wrong?" the manager asked, "Yes! There's a powerful barrier! Call the MDA!" Macey replied, slamming the pickaxe into the barrier. "Damn, this thing is strong!" She thought, slamming again. It began to crack, "Let us help you!" Some of the mining team offered, rushing over and slamming their axes into the barrier. The glass-like shards of the barrier fell, and Macey instantly sped into the dungeon, following the path of corpses.

                Deeper within the dungeon, Oogubugoo sat on a throne within a stadium. He has bright red skin, glowing red eyes, and gray hair. Unlike the rest of his kind, he had an array of neon teal tattoos covering his face, hands, and wrists and wore a tattered brown hooded cloak, a grayish-white face mask that only exposed his eyes and lower jaw, a necklace made of human skulls, and red armored shoulder guards. Two high orcs stood on each side of him. A staircase went down to a path that led to the grand gates of their prized Colosseum. Only a little under a hundred High orcs stood at the gates and another two hundred between Oogubugoo and the gate. The High orcs pushed against it with their might to keep it shut. "It's coming!" the Shamen warned, just before a loud bang on the door rang through the Colosseum. The orcs pushed back against the first attempt, and then a second bang reverberated against the walls, pushing the orcs back, "Are these the humans?" One High orc asked in their language, "No, that is no human!" Oogubugoo explained, watching the gate fly open, launching the little under a hundred high orcs back. Winter stood in a boxing stance, quickly bringing his fist back. He smiled as his now larger army of Shadow Soldiers. Their eyes could be seen behind him. "Welcome," Oogubugoo lifted his head. Winter stepped on the wood path leading to Oogubugoo and his throne. He reached up to his skill mask, "Do you fear me?" He asked, sending a powerful wave of magic from his location. The sensation of powerful attacks shot through the weakest of the Shadow Soldiers and left them weak. "Unfortunately, not!" Winter laughed, and Igris stepped forward with Baruka and Iron.

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