Grinding Again

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                Early in the morning, Winter was running around the block. "Maybe I should have some of my Shadow Soldiers act as security for the entire neighborhood while I'm at it," he thought. Slowing down to a stop, Winter stood on the sidewalk, "Come forth," he commanded. Three of the four high orc generals formed from his shadow, kneeling down before him. "From now on, you guys are the neighborhood watch with this small army-" Winter explained, giving them twenty high orc Shadow Soldiers each- "In addition, if I am ever gone, clear my low ranking dungeons, you should know where it is, but be careful not to be seen by anyone!" The Shadow Soldiers nod, bowing their heads before melting down into their shadow before going off into the neighborhood with their armies. "Even if a murderer were to appear, they wouldn't be able to defeat any of my Shadow Soldiers unless they're an A-rank or higher," Winter thought. "This will be my contribution to society, but I'll keep one if I were ever needed to split the army up," he added before going back on his run, completing his daily quest. Later that day, Winter entered the Demon's Castle, expecting to end it quickly.

~>System<{" The [Player] Has Entered The [Dungeon: Demons' Castle]!"}>It rang as soon as Winter stepped in<~

                "From this point on, the difficulty will increase exponentially," Ultima explained, "Good thing I came prepared, huh?" Winter asked Ultima, "Those new items should be enough," it replied. Winter swung a cloak over his shoulders, and buttoned the collar from the base of his neck up to his nose. A Red lace came from the left side of the collar, but he didn't use it to keep the collar in place. Red plated armor on each of his soldiers that were sewn to the cloak itself, wearing the same clothes as he did while working out, he stepped up to the Transportation Circle.

~>System<{" The [Player] Has Received a [Quest],"}>it rang<~

                "Hm?" Winter asked, looking over to see the ping. His face illuminated by the billowing fires.

~>System<{" [Quest: Slay The Demon King] The [Demon King, Baran] Resides on The [Top Floor] of The [Demons' Castle]. [Defeat: Baran] And Collect His [Soul]. [Rewards: 1. [+30 Stat Points], 2. [Rune Stone: Shadow Exchange], 3. [Rune Stone: Soul Unbound], And 4. Unknown]!"}>It displayed<~

                "They're better than last time, and I get a new Job-Specific Skill!" Winter looked at the rewards, "I already have three Job-Specific skills, and each one is incredibly even at level one. I can only imagine what this fourth one will allow me to do," he thought, "Well, I better get climbing!" Winter stepped forward onto the Transportation Circle.

~>System<{" [Demons' Castle Floors: 1–86] Are Open to The [Player],"}>it displayed<~

                "Take me to floor 86," Winter watched as the circle exploded with powerful magic, consuming him and sending him to the desired floor. On that floor, many demonic monsters laid waste to the crumbling cityscape. Fighting each other with vicious hunger, Tusk stepped forward, "I want to see how strong you are," Winter explained. Tusk nodded, grasping the Orb of Avarice in one hand. Lifting the other as a magic circle with Greek, Astrological symbols in a circle around four smaller circles that surrounded his wrist.

~>System<{" The [Shadow Soldier: Tusk] Has Used [Hymn: Giants, Rage, And Strengthening]!"}>It rang as Tusk suddenly grew several yards taller<~

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