War Among The Freezing

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                Winter leaped up and swiped at Baruka, but he blocked Winter's dagger with his own. "Looks like he's not going to be an easy opponent," Winter thought, summoning his other dagger as he skidded back on the ground. "I'll make you an offer. One that's in your favor," Baruka began, flipping his dagger with the blade down. "But, before I do, let me ask you one thing," he added, getting down off his horse. "What are you doing with the humans, when you're not one of them?" Baruka asks. "What are you talking about?" Winter asks, surprised and baffled by the question. "I suppose you aren't aware," he laughed briefly. "We hear voices in our heads all the time. Voices that tell us to kill humans, but we don't hear them in your presence," Baruka explained, tapping his head. "They hear voices that tell them to kill humans? Could it be something similar to the orders the System gives me?" He asks himself. "Maybe those voices don't apply to me, because the System has turned me into a 'Player'," Winter added to the thought. "We have no reason to fight each other. We don't want to suffer any unnecessary losses either," Baruka began. "All you have to do is hand over those humans behind you," he explained sinisterly. "Only then will I promise to spare your life. How about it? Do we have a deal?" Baruka asks. Offering a hand to shake in agreement. "I have some questions for you, too," Winter began. "Who are you guys?" He asks seriously. "Where are you from, and why do you wish to kill humans?" Winter added.

                "We," Baruka began, just before he began to glitch out. He began his offer again, seemingly ignoring the question. "What's going on? Did he just ignore my question, or?" He thought. "Do you accept my offer?" Baruka asks, his army beginning to walk up to their boss. "Respectfully decline," he replied calmly. "Are you planning on fighting me and my men?" Baruka asks as a cold wind of mana rushes over Winter. "You're outnumbered. You think you'll be able to win all by yourself?" He added. "Outnumbered?" He asks. "Who? Me?" He added playfully, pointing with a hand on his chest. The army within his shadow began to form. Stella screamed in terror, "What are these things?!" Gon asks. "M-monsters are appearing out of nowhere!" Yon added. "Black knights and ice bears?!" Parklin asks, her draw dropped. "Could it be?! Is Winter behind this too?!" She thought. "What a petty gimmick," Baruka commented. "A gimmick? Are you sure about that?" Winter asks. The Shadow Army stood in front of their master. "I could probably win against all of you, by myself, but, why should I do that when I'm with my hood?" He asks just as his soldiers begin to charge the Hyakki forces, and they clash. "Fall back! We can't handle this battle!" Parklin ran with Stella dragging behind. "Calling my army a "petty gimmick" wasn't just big talk," Winter thought. "Regardless if I have more troops or not, I don't have enough mana to sustain them for very long," he added, staying back. "Even if they're immortal, my numbers will gradually decrease if they keep getting destroyed how they are right now," Winter thought, watching some of his soldiers getting destroyed. "They've leveled up, but... They for sure can't tackle the boss," he added in thought. Baruka walked through the army, destroying each soldier who got in his way. "I can tell that he's stronger than me, but not by much," Winter thought. "Even then he won't be easy to take down. Even with Ultima and Igris. My infantry wouldn't stand a chance against him," he added. "If I could just have... An even stronger shadow!" He thought, looking back to see Charles' body under the tree still. "What is your name, non-human?" He asks, a yard away from Winter. "Winter Legendary Greats," he replied, stepping forward. Winter stepped on Charles' sword. With both daggers in hand, Winter dashed forward, kicking the sword back towards Charles. The sword landed beside him, just as Winter leaped up and headed straight for Baruka. Winter swiped down with his dagger but missed Baruka because swift step back. The dagger was pushed to the ground by Baruka's foot. Winter returned his dagger to his inventory, and then his dagger returned to his hand, swinging up at Baruaka's face. Baruka blocked Winter's attack with his dagger. The Hyakki seemed uninterested, or bored of this battle. Winter brought his left dagger around, but that too was blocked with another dagger of Baruka's. Baruka brought his knee up to kick Winter in the side, launching him back several feet away. Winter flipped himself around in the air to stabilize himself, landing on his feet. "I can't remember the last time I felt excited about a fight," Baruka had a wide smile. Just as he was talking, a fireball fell from the sky, looking up, Baruka saw it coming down too quickly to escape in time. The large fireball landed right on top of him. "I bought myself some time," Winter sighed.

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