Vampire Au (pt2)

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Despite what he saw from movies and books, his trasformation actually wasn't painful like he thought it would be. What he thought he was going to go through was a incredibly painful experience that made him feel like his veins was on fire. Instead, it was peaceful. He felt a cooling sensation all over his body, making it feel like he was in cold water on a hot summer day. He didn't know how long he was out for, but when he woke up, he saw Adora laying on his chest. She looked asleep and he looked out the window. Sunset. He then felt her sir and she looked up and saw him.

"Hey" she said, getting off of him and waking up.

He stretched out and looked around. Now he could see every single detail of the apartment. From the dust sparkling in the fading light to the small lettering of the painting on the wall. It was incredible. Then he stood up and walked over to the mirror. From what he saw, he looked like he did before. The only difference was the two small scars on his neck and his eyes being red instead of blue.

"Why's my eyes red?" Veneer asked.

"Simple. Newborn vampire's eyes turn red because their blood still lingers in their tissues. It's only temporary. Oh! And you'll be a lot stronger then me so try to be careful. So, how does it feel?" She asked after she explained.

"It still hurts actually" he replied, pointing to his throat before he sat back down on the bed.

"Right. You need to feed" Adora said before she opened a secret compartment under her refrigerator.

She pulled out a bottle that had a label on it that said "deer blood" and she handed it to him. He looked at it before glancing at her.

"Where did you get this?" He asked suspiciously.

"Well, there's hundreds of vampires out there, most feed off of animals like I do. So we started a business that sells animal blood. To cut back the risk of getting caught and it's something that's great to have in hand in case you need to feed and you live in a city" Adora explained.

He nodded before he took out the quark. The sweet scent of the deer blood gently flew up to his nose and his fangs immediately slid down from his gums. They were a little bit bigger than Adora's but that didn't matter. He begun to drink, the burning in his throat disappearing. His red eyes dimmed as he finished the bottle.

"Better?" Adora asked him.

He smiled and nodded as a small droplet of blood rolled down from the corner of his mouth. He threw the bottle  away as Adora giggled before she kissed him. His eyes widened, still getting use to the fact that his sense of touch was now heighten. But he quickly gotten over it as he pulled her to his lap. She gently pulled away and looked at him with half-lidded, lustful eyes. Her fangs came out of her gums as Veneer's hands slid up her waist. She took off her leather jacket as, with incredible speed and unexpected strength, Veneer flipped her on her back, him right above her. He clashed his lips on hers again as she took his flannel off, revealing his black tank-top underneath it. It's going to be a long night.

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