🏹Arrow roulette🏹

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A month before Adora and Veneer's wedding, Adora was finishing packing her things up from her old bedroom. She then picked up her old photo album she had as a kid and a picture fell out.

"Oops!" She said before she put the album down and picked up the picture.

She looked at it before sitting down on her old bed. It was her as a pre-teen with a few kids who lived not that far from her. She proudly held up a bow and arrow in victory after playing a game of her made-up game: Arrow roulette. She smiled at the memory before Veneer, Velvet, Alec, and Charlie walked in.

"Hey, you finished?" Velvet asked her.

"Yeah, pretty much. I just took a small trip down memory lane" Adora said before showing everyone the picture.

"You look so cute and happy" Veneer commented, looking at her younger self.

"Well, yeah. I just won the most amazing game, Arrow roulette."

"Arrow roulette?" Alec asked.

"Oh! I remember you telling me about it. Wasn't it incredibly dangerous?" Charlie asked, tilting his head.

"Yeah....Grandma and aunt Doris was never a fan of it but it was such a adrenaline rush!" Adora told them, looking at the picture again.

Then she got a idea. She got to her feet.

"Hey! While we're here, why don't we play it?!" She said excitedly.

Everyone glared at her. Alec was the first one to speak up.

"Thanks for the offer, sis. But doing that would be the single, stupidest thing we've ever done" he told her.

"Idiotic" Charlie said.

"Crazy" Veneer said.

"Immature" Velvet said.

Adora just looked at them.


Somehow convincing everyone into playing, they now stood in the middle of the forest as Adora finished spraying paint around them, making a circle.

"ALRIGHT GUYS!" She said, picking up a bow and arrow.

"I can't believe we're doing this!" Veneer said excitedly.

"Lets do this!" Velvet said anxiously.

"How do we let Adora talk us into the most craziest stuff?!" Charlie asked.


"Maybe we should change the rules?" Alec asked before Velvet and Veneer laughed at him.

"ALRIGHT! 1...." Adora started the countdown.

"Here we go!" Charlie said.

"2...." Adora pointed the arrow upward.

"WHY ARE WE DOING THIS?!" Alec blurted out.

"I DON'T KNOW!" Veneer told him.

"....GO!!!" Adora let the arrow go and it shot high up into the blue sky.

Unfortunately, with of being a sunny day, they lost sight of the arrow completely.

"I don't see it! I don't see it!" Charlie said.

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