💫Alec's misadventure💫

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"Come on, Alec!" Star pleaded as she and Cosmo held a huge tire on it's side.

Right now, Adora's BFFS: Star and Cosmo was trying to convince him into getting into the tire they had.

"What? No" he refused.

"I'll keep it steady for you" Cosmo ran down a little ways so she could catch him when he rolls.

Adora giggled before he unwittingly walked over to star and got into the tire.

"I got this! I got this!" Star grabbed the tire and got ready to roll it.

"I promise I'll catch you and I love you, dude" Cosmo told him.

"I SWEAR YOU ALL ARE JACKED UP ON SOMETHING!!!" Alec told them, fearing for his life a little bit.

Star started to countdown.

"And a 1....and a 2...."

"COSMOS GOT YOU!" Cosmo held her arms wide open.

"And GO!" Star pushed the tire, making it roll down the road as Adora started recording it on her phone.

He grew closer to Cosmo when her phone started ringing.

"Hold up" she said as she pulled out her phone, not paying attention to the tire anymore.

"Okay, it's been a few feet, grab me. Cosmo?" Alec called out as the tire continued to roll.

"Hey Auntie! Oh nothing, just hanging around with the Quinn twins" she spoke on the phone.

"COSMO! COSMO! COSMO!" Alec yelled, trying to get her attention.

"...." Adora and Star watched the tire roll down the road, unsure of what to do.

"Alright. I'll pick up everything later. Okay-" Cosmo talked into her phone.

"WHY AM I STILL ROLLING?!?!?!?!" Alec yelled as the tire rolled down the road.

Cosmo immediately saw him roll down the road.

".......Oops 😨"

"ALECCCC!!!! " the girls immediately ran after him.


On the road, Alec was stuck in the tire as it went downhill at a high speed. Adora, Star, and Cosmo running after him.

"SOMEONE HELP ME!!!" He yelled as he held onto the tire.

Alec rolled through incoming traffic at a stop light, making the cars stop in their tracks. Alec screamed as the tire ramped off a rock and bounced down the street.

"WILL THIS EVER END!?!" He cried as he rolled more.


In the main part of town, inside of a police car, the officer was sleeping on the job again. He snored loudly when, suddenly, the tire Alec was in rolled right past him.

"WHAT THE SAM'S HILL-?" He asked as he woke up and saw the tire roll fast through town.

"Hey....HE RAN A RED LIGHT! this is why I joined the force!" He immediately started driving after Alec.

Catching up, the girls tried to stop the tire. A few people came out of their homes and saw this. But they immediately notice Adora so they immediately thought it was something stupid.

"TIRE ON THE LOOSE! I AM IN PURSUIT!" the officer said into his walkie talkie.

Suddenly, a stray dog started chasing him and kicked him in a different direction.

"OW! OW! OW! OW! OW!" Alec cried from the impact of the kick.

Suddenly the officer pulled up in front of him.

"Show's over tire!" He said as the tire hit the side of the car, stopping it and it fell over on it's side.

The girls finally caught up and saw the tire in the middle of the road. The officer glared at them.

"BLEEEEUUUUGGGGGHHHH!!!!🤮" Alec threw up from rolling.

Adora cringed as she stopped recording. But not without blurting out "....I'm next."

"NO, I'M NEXT! I'M DOING IT! LET ME DO IT! I SAID IT FIRST! I FOUND THE TIRE!" The girls argued as Alec slowly and weakly got out of the tire.


Adora, Star, and Cosmo immediately stoped arguing and looked at him.

"What happened..." Alec asked with a cough.

"I got a phone call" Cosmo replied.

Alec wobbled out of the tire as Adora walked over to help him stand.

"O-oh really?...okay...that's fine...I forgive....hope it was a personal call" he told her, using sarcasm.

Star laughed as her sister scoffed and rolled her eyes.

Harmonious Rescue oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora