less then perfect

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Even though he had known Charlie for over 8 years, Alec felt as if the time wasn't right to ask him to be his husband. With that said, he waited a month. A very long month. He had noticed in the past of charlie sending him little hints; Alec knew what he wanted. However, he wanted to be prepared. He  wanted to be ready. Each day, for hours, Alec was no stranger to the past. He contemplated why he loved him, asking himself all the basic questions, and the not so basic ones. So, on a faithful Sunday morning, he decided it was time. He was ready to take a leap of faith and marry the partner of his dreams. He even found the perfect place to do it. The bench in the jungle were they first met. Everything looked beautiful. His sister and her siblings-in-law helped him plant star flowers next to the bench where he'd propose. Nothing could go wrong, Alec thought. Nothing at all.
    At 10 o'clock sharp, Alec took Charlie to the jungle. When they got there, it was a disaster. Right before his eyes, Alec saw what he most feared. All the hard work he and his family had done, vanished. The flowers were scattered all over the ground without order, the bench was graffitied on and it was pouring rain. Not the romantic evening he had hoped for, that's for sure.  So the couple stayed in the van.

"What are we doing here, Alec?" Charlie said, curiously.

"Charlie, I wanted everything to be perfect. I wanted the flowers to be blooming, the birds to be chirping and the sun to be high up in the sky. But nothing's going my way. I'm sorry, but I can't....I can't..."

"You can't what?"

Alec looked over at Charlie. For some reason the words were on the tip of his tongue, refusing to come out.

"Never mind" he told him instead, lowering his head afterwards.

Both their nerves were high. Charlie stared out the window in silence, confused about the moment. And Alec, well....he kept tugging at his shirt collar, sweating like a sauna. He tried to say something twice, except nothing came out. He studdered every time like a never ending nightmare.

"Are you trying to propose?" Charlie asked, returning his gaze to the man he loved so much.

He nodded, just slightly. He nearly became a statue from the fear of Charlie disapproving the scenery. The intense moment grew longer. Or at least it seemed like it did. Neither of them said a word. Their eyes glued to one another, waiting for the other to at least say something.

"Where is it?" Charlie finally spoke up.

Alec pulled the ring out of the glove department.

"Charlie, remember a few years ago when I first saw you sitting on that bench?" He pointed outside to the ruined bench. "And you were playing your keytar?" He Alec asked him.

He nodded.

"Well, that day, I knew that I met the person who would one day become my partner in life. After hanging out with you, I went home and told my grandmother that I found the one. She said "good for you, now go clean your room."

Charlie laughed a little bit.

"It's true! She didn't believe me at first. Sure everyone gets crushes, but no one ever knows if it's gonna work out. But do you know what my grandmother told me before Adora and Veneer's wedding day?" He asked.

He shook his head.

"She said "Alec, if you don't marry that man, I'll crawl out of my grave and kick your behind with my haunted self." That was over six years ago. And after thinking long and hard about everything that has happened to me, I realized that I can't live my life without you in it. Charlie Gilman....you complete me like you're my other half."

Immediately, Alec took off his seatbelt, got out of the car, ran over to Charlie's side, opened the door, and got down on one knee. With the rain pouring down on him, Alec could care less, he wanted to show Charlie how much he loved him. Breaking away from his usual "no-tears" rule, Charlie begun crying, his tears falling in pace of the rain. Alec pulled out a handkerchief the burgen who raised him gave him before he passed away, despite it being drenched. Charlie laughed as the world seemed to fade away.

"Not a day goes by that I don't think about my future with you." He opened the ringbox, revealing a simple silver ring.

"Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He asked.

"Yes!" Charlie managed to say as Alec smiled and placed the ring on his new fiancee.

"It was my father's ring. It's been in my family for five generations" Alec told him.

"I love you!" Charlie shouted, jumping into his man's arms.

Alec twirled them as they kissed passionately kissed in the rain. Sure things didn't happen according to plan, but Alec couldn't have it any other way.

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