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Walking out of the diner with a 3 month old Mayday asleep in her little basket, Adora and Veneer headed to their car. It had been raining on and off so they drove the van.

"Let me get it" Adora said as she opened the back door for Veneer who was carrying Mayday.

"Thank you....actually, maybe you should do this" he told her.


"I don't want to bump her head against the door or pinch her with the seatbelt" he explained nervously.

His wife glared at him.

"Veneer, how long are you gonna beat yourself up over one mistake? Is it gonna be like the rage Dome all over again?" She asked.

"I just think I suck at being a father."

"What are you talking about? We're new at this" Adora asked, her violet eyes held confusion in them.

"Yeah, but you're an natural. I mean, look at you. You walk into the room and she lights up, you change her dipper with one hand. I-I'm actually jealous of you" he told her, rubbing his arm.

Adora sighed and smiled lovingly at her husband.

"Ven, there are so many things that you do that I can't. You baby-proofed the entire apartment, you took care of all the medical paperwork when I was in the hospital after giving birth, without you we wouldn't have her in the first place" she told him, smiling before grabbing and gently holding his hand in her's.

He blushed a little bit when she brought those things up. Yeah, he did all of those, like any father should. Heck, he even read Adora's books about what to expect during the presidency and about how to properly prepare a hime for a new baby.

"It was a few papers...actually it was a lot of forms" he admitted.

"And you got her on all those preschool waiting lists" she added.

"Can't believe we had to wait till she was old enough" Veneer said with a scoff.

Adora giggled a little.

"See? That's what makes us a good team, we each have our own strengths. Now, who are amazing parents?" She asked.

"We are" Veneer muttered.

"I can't hear you."

"We are!"

"And don't you forget it" she told him before she pecked his lips.

Adora then put Mayday in the backseat of the car and Veneer closed it. Not long after, they heard it lock. Realization hit them like a bucket of ice water was dumped over their heads.

"Did we just lock our baby in the car?" Veneer asked.

"Did you put the keys in the bag?" Adora asked him.

"I put the keys in the bag!"

"Dang it, Veneer! I told you not to put the keys in the bag!"

"Don't freak out! Don't freak out!" Veneer told her before they looked through the window and at Mayday.

"Mayday, it's okay" Veneer told her as Adora started singing the alphabet to her.

"Why are you singing to her? People get arrested for this, gem!" Veneer then went to try to open the other doors.

"Dies all four doors lock?!"

Mayday just looks at her parents and blinks.

Exactly 45 seconds later....

"I'M BREAKING THE WINDOW!!!" Veneer yelled as he grabbed a nearby trash can, falling over as he ran towards the car.

Adora immediately got on her phone and called for help.

Emergency assistance. This is Trisha.

"We locked our baby in the car and people are judging us!" She explained as Veneer stood beside her with the metal trashcan.

"I SWEAR TO GOD I'M GONNA BREAK IT!" he yelled as he was about to break the window.

"Do not break the window! You'll get glass on her!" Adora told him,  stopping him before he could break the window.

Miss, tell your wife to relax, everything is going to be okay.

"That's a man."


"DON'T WORRY, MAYDAY! DADDY'S COMING FOR YOU!" Veneer yelled as he looked at his daughter through the window.

Miss, we just sent the signal. The door should be unlocked now.

"Check the door" Adora quickly turned to her husband.

He immediately grabs the handle and starts tugging on it. He even climbed onto the side and used his legs to help him pull.

"It's not unlocked!" He told her before the door finally opened, hitting Adora's nose.

"Mother frazzer on fire!" She quietly cursed as she held her nose as it started to bleed a little.

"Oh. Okay. That's amazing. How do they do that? Did it come from space?" Veneer asked as he held Mayday in his arms and Adora glared at him.


Adora was driving the van back home as Veneer sat in the passenger seat. Mayday sat in his arms as she sucked in his knuckle. Veneer looked over at Adora and saw the rotten look on her face.



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