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Many will tell you their version of what love is.

They will tell you that you'll find love when you're not looking for it. They'll tell you that your other half will complete you. They'll tell you that your broken pieces might be put back together when you meet that special person.

Your person. Your home.

Truth is that there is no point in even looking when Allah has planned everything. You wake up one day, and that day will forever change you.

Often home is where family is. Home is where you're at peace. Home is where you feel safe. Home is where you can be yourself. But, home isn't home without the people that make it a home.

Home for Ozan was Noora. And, home for Noora was Ozan.

Shortly after they both were the closest possible to one another, Noora got pregnant. It was a magical moment for her and her husband.

She always wanted a family. She always wanted to be a mother and this dream of hers was becoming true. That baby was going to bring all families even close to each other. That baby was going to be loved. Truly and wholeheartedly.

Samira and Dr. Khalid got married. All close friends and family were invited. It was also a magical moment for Samira. She was marrying the man that she loved and that loved her.

Nano came back eventually from Pakistan and created a bong with Ozan's mother. It was the sweetest thing to witness.

Ozan and Noora were the happiest.

She used to claim that life was bittersweet and the one thing that she had always wished for was to have a family on her own. Because she knew once Nano would be gone, she'd had no one left. However, Allah blessed her beyond her expectations and beyond what she prayed for.

In fact, she was sure she had lost her chance at love. She was so attached to Zayn and so afraid that she might never fall in love again. But the truth is that it never even was love to begin with. It was a toxic attachment which is nothing compared to the bursting love she now had for her husband.

Her husband, the one that she was so scared of but turned out to be the reason for her smile and happiness.

Often people put on a barrier and show it to the world making it seem like they are heartless and awful people. Those people are usually the sweetest and kindest souls. It's hard to see it and it's hard to believe it, but it's there. The heart is just hiding to escape from getting hurt again.

Noora will make sure that her baby girl grows up to be loved and sweet. She will see the sweetness in the bitter things in life. And, her dad will also be the one to make her feel like a princess.

They are a family of three and hopefully they can become a family of 4 moving on. She never thought she'd want more than one kid. She loves him so much as a husband but also adores him so much as a father.

She'd do anything for him just like he is also willing to make her every wish come true. Noora was at peace knowing that her man was going to take good care of their daughter and Ozan was also at peace knowing that his kids were going to have the most amazing, loving and caring mother.


The end.

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