I Love You

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Noora's POV.

When I tell you my heart dropped—I am not exaggerating.

At the sight of his private jet but also how crowded the airport was. My anxiety was at its highest.

He grabbed my hand and held it tight. I looked at him nervous.

"When I'm you—"

"I should breathe. I know." I finished the sentence for him.

"I'll never let anything happen to you." He said before we got into the private jet.

Inside, it was fancy and incredibly luxurious. I had never thought that my first time flying in a plane would look like this. I sat across from him on the seat that almost looked like a couch. It was very comfortable.

I would have wanted him right beside me. I wanted to say something but words wouldn't come out. I sat and immediately put my seat belt on.

"Relax, precious" he chuckled. What's funny? I'm literally scared right now.

"Good afternoon, Mr. and Ms. Khan. It's an immense pleasure to be at your assistance today. My name is Katrina and I will be in charge of making sure that the both of you remain good while having a pleasant flight." She looked gorgeous. Blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect curves—

"Eyes up here" My eyes instantly collided with him.

Katrina smiled at us before walking away.

"I don't know what you were thinking but just know that I refuse that you compare yourself to other women. Especially when you're my woman." Does this guy read minds?

"If you'd see me the way that I see you...you'd never judge or compare yourself. Trust me." He sounded so sincere. My heart skipped a beat.

"I...just find her really pretty." I did but I also had the image of her standing right beside me and believing I was a 0 compared to her.

He was right. So right. I just didn't want to admit it.

"When she comes back for refreshments—I want your eyes right in mine and your focus on me. You got it?" I hesitantly nodded.

He also makes me nervous but in a good way.

"I'm scared," I promised myself I was going to be more honest with him. He needs to know me just like I want to know him.

"You're gonna be fine." He reassured me.

"Why can't we...sit together? I mean side by side?" I had to ask.

"I'm right here precious. Right here."

"I know that—"

"Any refreshments before we depart?" Katrina came back as I turned my attention towards her.

"I'm fine. Thank you." I said.

"I'm okay," Ozan said as she left.

I looked back again and something had changed in his eyes. I couldn't quite tell what exactly.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Come here" he demanded.

"What? We are departing soon—I'm not getting up." I said.

"Come here, Noor." He said with the same tone again.

I untied my belt and went to him as I stood in front of him confused.

"Turn around" he ordered as I did.

He grabbed my hips and yanked me down as my ass landed on him. I gasped in shock panicking.

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