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Noora's POV.

I can't deny it any longer. This man is...different. I've met many but he's truly the only one that makes my heart race.

From that moment he hugged me from behind up until now...I can't control my feelings. I blush every time he's near, I bet butterflies every time he takes off his shirt while I'm present in the room.

We met in complicated circumstances and I hated him. He was heartless to me. After getting married to him, he has only and only been treating me with respect and love...although I push him away every time. It's the fact that he forced me to marry him and threatened to hurt my loved ones if I insisted and refused that is pulling me back.

I can only respect him as my husband but...I can't seem to be able to love him as a person...yet.

Today, we have guests coming in. Actually, not really guests. Like Sanam says, a family reunion. Sanam and I became best friends in the span of 2 weeks. I miss my bestie though and I miss nano even more.

I want to ask him to let me meet them but...I'm afraid he would decline or snap at me although I doubt he would. But, you can never know enough about a person. And, I still feel like this person who makes my heart beat and who claims to be in love with me is a stranger at times.

The thing is that I know that in order for this to change, I need to trust him and open up to him but it is rather a challenge for me. He's like a beast to my eyes and I'm always afraid of whatnot.

I wanted to help in the kitchen as I've seen the team in process to making preparations for the reunion since fajr time. However, I remember what Sultan said and go in hesitation every time. I don't want to go against her word.

When Ozan opened up to me, something switched in me. For the first time, I did not see a beast. I saw a little damaged boy begging to be loved. The way he looked into my eyes the whole time while explaining...the way I was gently moving my thumb on his back to calm him down...the way at that specific was like only him and I existed in this world.

It was like I was the only one who understood him. I get chills every time I recall that moment.

"Noora!" I slightly flinched when Sanam barged into my room without knocking. This girl.

"Ya almost gave me a heart attack..." she chuckled and apologized shortly after.

"Everyone's here, come on" she said.

"Ozan?" He's been gone since this morning and I don't dare to text him and ask him where he could possibly be.

"Not yet. Come on, I'll introduce you to everyone!" She gets all excited.

For the first time in many years, I'm wearing a shalwar and kameez that's a nice colour of green. It fits me well and it's comfortable. Younger me would not like it. I used to hate wearing traditional clothes because I didn't find them comfortable at all.

Sanam and I made our way downstairs and into the living room where everyone was present. This is the first time I'm seeing the whole family together. I'm nervous.

Sultan was sitting on her usual couch as the others were sat on the other couches. I looked at everyone. They were all staring into my soul.

I want to hide.

A little boy came running towards me hugging my knees as I almost lost my balance not being ready for this. Who is this cute little boy?

"Aslan! Come back here!" I am guessing that was his mother telling him to come right back to her. Automatically, I smiled as he looked up at me with his rose chubby cheeks. Mashallah, he is adorable.

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