His way

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Noora's POV.

"Miss Johnson will chop my head off if she gets to know. Why can't you just explain it to her that he makes you uncomfortable?" Samira asked.

"Please Samira, I beg you meri jaan. You do this for me and I'll buy you boba for a whole month." I insisted.

"You promise?" She immediately switched.

"Yes, wallahi habibti." I mimicked her.

"Okay then!" She agreed.

I quickly hugged her and thanked her before we separated ways. Today will be a good day.


Samira's message put me on edge.

She wrote : I think this man likes you. He asked me questions about you the whole time I was with him. Oh and he says he wants you tonight or he will literally snitch on you to miss Johnson. What the hell is wrong with him?

I'm panicking again. God, what is wrong with this man?

I texted back saying that I'll take care of it. Which means I'm not running from it anymore, I will see him tonight.

Time passed by and soon enough, I had to see him again. I took a few deep breaths before knocking and then entering.

"Good evening," I said. He didn't look so happy. I mean does he ever even smile? I don't think I've seen him do that once at least.

I checked his temperature, changed his bandage and left his pills on his table. I turned to leave as soon as I was done when I felt him grab my hand. Oh my Allah.

"You didn't come this morning" he states.

"I wasn't feeling so good so I only came in to work after 12." Why did I lie?

"Don't lie to me" oh god.

"I'm not—I...please let go of my hand" I begged when his hold got tighter.

"You shouldn't lie. That's unlike a Muslim." He adds.

"Mr. Ozan, I beg you to let go of my hand." I demanded.

"Or what? You will send your friend in here again? Listen to me very well now, when I want something—I have it in a way or another. And I will tell you right away that I want you. I take interest in you, I fancy you, I like you, I see something in you. Want me to say it in Urdu? Isn't that the language you speak? I want you. Do you hear me?" I froze. I couldn't move or say anything.

"Mr. Ozan, please let go of my hand. It hurts." He finally lets go a hint of guilt in his light brown eyes.

"I will be discussing this matter with miss Johnson first thing tomorrow morning. I won't be your nurse any longer as you have not respected my boundaries." I kept my professionalism.

"I suggest you kindly and respectfully accept me before you regret it" he said as I turned to leave.

I ignored what he said and ran out of his room not looking back. I'm doomed.


I slept like a baby after crying my anxiety and fear all night. How can he be so heartless? How can he not even consider my feelings?

I don't know that man. I've never seen him. I have no desire to like him back. I don't understand him no matter how hard I try. It's already the weekend. After that night, I called in sick and lied about how I needed more than just a day off. In other words, I'm not coming back until next week. I can't show up after what I experienced.

I woke up at 10am, brushed my teeth and then kept my pyjamas on before making my way to the living room.

"Nano, where should I take you—" my heart dropped at the sight in front of me.

What is he doing here? How does he know I live here? How? When? Where? He's here. In my living room sitting on my favourite couch talking with my grandmother.

"Meri jaan, come and have a seat. How come you never told me about your friend here? He is such a gentle man" nano is getting fooled. He's not gentle at all.

"Stay and have breakfast with us, would you?" Oh my god, NANO!!

"Actually, uh...mr. Ozan is quite busy...right?" I made my way to him and stood in front of him with my arms folded.

"Am I?" He asked me instead.

"Yes...he actually came to pick me up. We need to be somewhere" I just want him to leave this house instantly.

"Oh really?" Nano is probably just happy thinking I like him but I don't. She really wants to see me getting married. That is her only wish.

"Mr. Ozan, after you," I signed for him to get up as he does.

"It was nice meeting you" nano pats his head and then he walks out of our house as I followed him from behind.

"What are you doing here and how do you know I live here?" I asked immediately after closing the door behind me.

He stood so tall over me. Once again I can't help but feel intimidated.

"You disappeared from the hospital. You hurt my feelings." He said staring into my eyes.

"Mr. Ozan...whatever you're doing is inappropriate." I stated.

"Your friend told me you were sick. Is that true?" He asked me instead.

"I'm...yes I was."

"Lies" he replied taking a step closer to me.

"I'm not—"

"I hate liars Noora. I hate them so much I kill them so they don't dare to appear in my way ever again." I got chills.

I stopped talking and I stopped breathing for a second. He is so close to me. I felt crowded and suffocated.

He was about to say something when his phone rang all of a sudden.

"What do you want?" He responded moving away as I let out a breath.

"I'll be there." He hung up few seconds later.

"Get back inside before anyone sees you like this" he eyes me up and down and that's when I realized I'm still in my pyjamas. Pervert!!

"I wouldn't want to have to kill anyone who tries to take you away from me" he said before turning and walking towards his car. He got inside his jeep wrangler and drove away.

I almost dropped on the floor. I need to eat something before I collapse. I got back inside and went straight to nano. How do I explain this situation to her? I don't want her to freak out.

"Nano," I took a seat beside her.

"Yes meri jaan—weren't you going somewhere with him?" She asks me.

"What did he say to you?" I asked her instead.

"Oh, he is such a kind and respectful man my dear. I think he likes you." She smiles.

"Nano...I don't like him though.." I said.

"Meri jaan, open up your heart for once again. I know that Zayn made a mistake and...I know how it hurt you but...this man...I think he might be the one. I got the feeling as soon as I opened the door this morning." She sounded so sure.

"I didn't feel anything..." I said.

"And, that's because of Zayn. I think you're just scared...it's time to move on dear." She said.

I slightly sighed and then kissed her on the cheek before making my way to the kitchen to make breakfast. I can't stop thinking about what nano said but mostly I can't stop thinking about me. It sounds to good to be true. How can I man that I've never met before, that I've never spoken to on a deeper level—be interested in me?

This is scaring the shit out of me. Should I call the cops and file a report? Ya allah, I'm scared something happens to me. I can't afford to let something happen to me. Not when I have someone to take care of. Someone who needs me.


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