A New Chapter

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Ozan's POV.

"I'm sorry. I failed you. As a grandmother, I failed you." Sultan said sadness visible in her eyes.

"I know saying sorry is not enough. I know that I hurt you. And, I know that I can't go back. But, I want you to know that I agree to your marriage. I welcome your wife and you home and I am done making decisions for you and oppressing you. I respect what you want." There was no way that...she was apologizing to me.

I looked at Noor in disbelief and then back at Sultan. I stood in front of her but I wasn't the 33-year-old me anymore, I was back to being the little boy who wanted to be loved by his grandmother.

"why?...why did you decide to apologize now?" I couldn't grasp why at all. I always believed she was heartless.

"I was trying to protect you but...I didn't realize I was hurting you. I didn't realize I was in the wrong. When I saw what state you were in after Noora left and when I realized Maria was not only trying to have you but my property as well...this is the consequences of my actions. I thought I had the perfect girl for you when all along the right girl for you was right beside you. I failed to recognize right from wrong. Noora, came into my house in peace. She tried to blend into the family with respect and dignity. She played with the children and prayed along my side. I was blind, son. I thought I knew better. I'm sorry for everything that I've put you through." She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me as I froze and the world stopped.

It took me a good minute before I hugged my grandmother back as a tear escaped my eye. I always thought that getting a hug let alone having a normal talk with Sultan was impossible. This moment just changed everything.


Noora's POV.

I couldn't stop smiling. I never thought I'd witness such a thing. But the saying is true, when you sincerely pray for something, even if Allah delays it—he will give it to you in the best of ways.

I was aware of Ozan's struggles and pain. I always wished I could take it away from him to grant him ease and see him smiling more. His gorgeous smile that could light up the world.

I prayed. I always asked Allah to grant him ease and for things to be peaceful.

We sat in the living room. We were still at Sultan's place having chai. She insisted we stayed for it. I silently watched a grandson and a grandmother talking to each other. This is all he wanted. To have a normal relationship with her and to be treated right with love.

This moment felt unreal but it also felt so right.

"Assalamualeykum" the rest of the family members had joined.

"Omg!! Noora, you're back!!" Sanam exclaimed.

"It's nice to see you—" I got up to greet her but she ran into my arms hugging me tightly.

We hadn't seen each other for a while but the way she was hugging made it feel like it had been a lifetime.

"Thank you! Thank you for..." she pulled back and looked at me.

"I thought I lost you. I thought my dumb brother lost you. I'm so happy you're back." She hugged me back. I couldn't help but smile.

We had a family dinner and then Ozan and I left to go back to our place. We entered our home and I was taken back when Ozan pushed me against the wall blocking me between his arms.

"O-ozan...what are you doing?" I asked not having expected him to act this way.

"I wanna do you" My eyes went wide as my heart skipped a beat. What is he saying?

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