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Noora's POV.

I got up early, showered, and got dressed in a blue abaya. It's jummah and I felt like going to the mosque to pray.

I was almost done drying my hair when Ozan came and stood beside me in a black kurta. How did I not even notice he was up?

"Are you...going somewhere?" I doubt he's going to work with a kurta on.

"I'm coming with you," he said and my heart stopped. There's no way.

I looked at him unbelief in my eyes.

"I'm going to jummah prayer with my wife." He states. A big smile appears on my face as I jump into his arms.

He laughs and holds me tightly.

"You make me happy," I said kissing him.

"What did you say?" He asked shock visible in his eyes.

"Nothing" I pulled back only for him to pick me up and throw me on the bed.

"Ozan—" he got on top of me and my mouth went shut as my heart raced.

"What did you say?" He asked again. Why does he want to hear it so bad?

"You make me happy," I said blushing.

"god...you don't know what you're doing to me..." something in his eyes changed as he got off of me and sat on the side of the bed his back facing me.

"hey," I sat beside him taking his hand in mine as he looked at me.

"what's wrong, you know you can tell me anything right..."

"I..." he couldn't look at me and I knew something was heavying on his heart.

"I don't wanna push you...just know that you're allowed to feel Ozan...just like anyone else. Your feelings are valid." I added pecking his cheek.

"I just always felt like I was never good enough. Like...it was impossible for me to be happy and to make others happy also...people like me are unlovable--"

"don't say that. you know that's not true at all. I love you and I always will. I didn't fall for your looks or money. I fell for you. I fell for Ozan." I grabbed his face and made him look at me.

"whoever made you feel that way was wrong and they must hate themselves because I see who you really are. You're mine. You're my love and you're capable of love also." I said.

"I don't deserve you"

"That's something guys that know they're assholes say—oops" I covered my mouth immediately when I realized a just said a bad word.

"Did my lovely wife just call me an asshole?" I got up in defence.

"no that's not...what I meant..uhm..." He got up and took steps towards me until my back hit the wall.

I awkwardly smiled.

"I didn't mean to say that but I..."

"you have to apologize, you said a bad word," he said looking deep into my eyes making my heart jump.

"fine, I'm sor—"

"not this way. my way." before I could even ask what was 'his way' he collapsed his lips on mine in a furious but gentle way.

I replied to his kiss wanting him to know that I do love him and that I'd take his kisses any day.  Wanting him to know that my lips belong to him and him only and that this soul only attaches himself to one other soul—and it's his.


We prayed and I couldn't help but smile during the prayer. All because of my husband who was finally willing to pray and who was on the other side praying with the men. It makes my heart happy in a way I can't even explain.

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