𝑾𝒉𝒚 𝒅𝒊𝒅 𝒊 𝒔𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒉𝒊𝒎, 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏?

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Later in the night, all the people went to bed. Some were really close to me. I just kept quiet while Murphy gave me the death stare.

After hours, nobody was sleeping. All because Jasper can't shut his damn mouth. He can't handle pain well, that much is obvious.

They've kept him in the ship for so long, and I'm the only one who can't leave whenever I want.

"Hey refugee, why'd you save him again?" Murphy questioned annoyingly "didn't you give us the option to decide his fate? Because I'm really liking the whole killing thing right now"

"Let me go and I can get it done in ten seconds flat" I replied. Since Jasper is horribly crippled, one good stab to the heart should do the trick. But Murphy isn't stupid. He's a lot of things, but not stupid. He won't just let me go, and honestly, it's refreshing to see some people who don't know who I am.

"Can he just die already?" One guy shouted.

"We can only hope" I sighed. I don't know why I feel so drawn to helping them. But I just know I could never live with myself if I let Jasper die there.

Later the next day, Bellamy stood in front of me for a few moments, then took me by surprise, punching me in the face. He was strong, determined. My entire head hurt like hell, and I could taste blood dripping into my mouth, but I let none of that show in my face.

"You said you know who is after us! Who?" He demanded, and I just smiled while he waited for an answer. "Answer me!"

"Where's the fun in that?" I smirked, bearing the pain as well as I could.

He punched me again. And again. And again. Someone came up behind him, I didn't see who, though. My eyesight is blurry, I can hear blood dripping on the floor, I can taste it, I can can feel it on my face. I can almost see it, too. It's gorgeous. The purest shade of red. They don't understand why I'm enjoying this, I don'y either. The thing I've been told most is that I'm 'insane' or 'lost my mind' and the occasional 'crazy bitch.' I'm okay with it, too. I know I'm insane.

Eventually, he stopped. Left me there, admiring the blood around me.

I'm not sure anyone slept with that kid wailing all night long. All. Night.

A few kids have been checking on me, guarding me to make sure I don't go anywhere. I started a conversation and snuck a few of my questions in there.

Heres what I found out:
- 100 prisoners under 18 were sent to Earth. No leaders or adults accompanied them.
- Bellamy Blake snuck himself on the aircraft to be with his sister, Octavia.
- They actually are from space, and they get arrested for the craziest things.
-They kill all the prisoners over 18

I might find more as time goes on, but I need to work on getting them to trust me now.

I hung here for awhile, exploring the idea of how to escape. Because what they don't know is that I keep many knives hidden all over my body. As of right now, I have 23 small knives, they took the swords on my waist, but there is another hiding along my spine. My backup sword. If I can reach any of them, then I can use it to cut the rope.

After finding myself over the dead body of a soldier, I take all their weapons, so obviously there's many more than 23 kept in my cave. After I escape, I might get some more swords there and venture farther into the woods.

Jaspers wound has gotten even worse. Now he's actually screaming. Clarke, Monty, Wells and Finn are holding him still.  Somehow, he's on the second level now.

"Hold him still!" Clarke ordered "I need to cut away the infected flesh" sounds cool.

Five seconds later, he passed out, stopped screaming. "Is he dead" I asked, barely loud enough for anyone to hear me.

Octavia ran into the room, kneeling beside the probably dead boy. "Stop it! You're killing him"

"She's trying to save his life" Finn corrected doubtfully.

"She can't" Bellamy climbed up.

Wells stood and stared at Bellamy harshly "back off"

"We didn't drag him through miles of woods just to let him die" she explained.

"Kids a goner." Bellamy interrupted. "If you can't see that you're deluded. He's making people crazy"

"Sorry if Jaspers an inconvenience to you," she interrupted back "but this isn't the Ark. Down here, every life matters"

"Take a look at him. He's a lost cause" jeez. Bellamy is not a very good leader. They stared down at him sadly, losing hope.

"Octavia, I've spent my whole life watching my mother heal people" she calmed "if I say theres hope, there's hope"

"This isn't about hope, it's about guts" Bellamy interrupted, once again "you don't have the guts to make the hard choices. I do"

"It's not hard!" I chipped in "I didn't spend seven hours, 13 minutes, and 22 seconds looking for that kid, just to kill him" I knew counting the second of every departure would come in handy somehow.

"You shut up!" He yelled to me.

"He's been like this for three days" he turned back to Clarke "if he's not better by tomorrow, I'll kill him myself" he walked off to the ladder "Octavia, let's go" he tried to get her over.

"I'm staying here" she replied, not looking away from Jasper" he didn't put up a fight about it, he just nodded and left.

"Power hungry, self serving, jackass" Monty joked about him "he doesn't care about anyone but himself. No offence"

"Yeah. Bellamy is all that" Finn began "but he also happens to be right." No way.

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