𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏, 𝑨𝒏𝒚𝒂?

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I sat by the river, far away from the complicated Sky People. Once again, I was alone, at peace, until the same people came down to the river. Damn it. What do I have to do to be alone for little while?

I saw Octavia walking up the rocks. She started taking off her clothes to jump in the water. The others stand there, some mesmerized, some horrified. I assume they'd never seen a real river before.

The brunette girl dramatically flailed her arms and jumped into the water. The others ran to the shore to see her.

I hid behind a tree, waiting for something bad to happen. I'd like to forget what a mistake I made getting in that river as a child.

They all got excited and started taking off their coats and shoes. I felt like stopping them, but I'd like to see how this plays out.

As expected, she was taken into the water by a sea creature.(I'm not totally sure what it is). She screamed and cried as she was dragged around. Her arms reaching to grasp anything that could pull her up.

"Wait. If we can distract it we could help her!" Blondie pushed on a rock, trying to get it into the water. "Help me!" Now all of them are pushing a boulder into the water to distract the monster.

To my surprise, it works. But Octavia can't swim, and she's just choking on water, trying to get out.

Goggles ran to where she was, jumping into the water without a second thought. They got out of the water and she lay shivering in his arms.

"You're gonna be okay" Blondie covers the giant wound on her leg as she catches her breath.

"Note to self:" red jacket announced "next time, save the girl" they all giggled and smirked at each other.
The night is peaceful. Too peaceful. I've been keeping an eye on these kids now. Because honestly, I won't let the Trikru kill them until they actually know the Trikru exists. I like fair fights.

Of course, it was too good to be true. Blondie woke up and admired the glowing forest. It's not much of a surprise to me anymore, as it's happened all the time.

Then another boy that I couldn't recognize in the dark came up to her with some water. "Figured it was worth losing a finger or two" was what he told her. When in reality, the monster doesn't usually strike at night.  

She took a small sip, a big smile plastered on her face. "You call that a sip?" He asked. She looked at him as if it were a challenge, and took an even bigger sip."you think this means we're all gonna grow two heads?" They both laughed a lot. She looked at the ground to keep from holding eye contact. "What do you know? She can laugh."

He ran off and she dropped the water to follow. I moved over to see exactly what he was showing her.

He knelt to the ground and pointed out a footprint. A human one. This means Trikru is being sloppy. What is your plan, Anya?

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