23 part two

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Taylor's POV

I woke up with the biggest, pounding headache and my mouth was so dry I felt like I could sand a table with my tongue. I groaned and crawled over to my nightstand where I expected water and ibuprofen but there was nothing there, I groaned remembering that I wasn't in KC and Travis wasn't looking out for me.

I staggered downstairs and grabbed water from the fridge "Morning sleepy head" I jumped and fell down "What the fuck Tree" I stood up and leaned on the counter, gulping down the pills and water "What did I do?". It was normal for me to receive a lecture after I get blackout drunk, so this wasn't anything special. "I just wanted to congratulate you on your engagement" I paused"Repeat that once more please?". Tree smirked the smirkiest smirk ever smirked, "Well, the future Mrs Kelce deserves celebration, am I right." 

My face must have been good because Tree started to laugh and walked to the couch "this is too good I need to sit down" I ran after her leaving my hangover on the back burner. "What did I do you can't say something like that then walk away!"  She was clutching her stomach, "Ah, this is too good." I sat patiently for my employee to catch my breath and when she finally did I listened intently "okay, so after the Grammys we went to the after party, remember that?" I nodded, instant regret, don't nods when your hungover. "Okay so you and Miley started doing shots" "Cyrus?" "You really don't remember  ha, that's good" I rolled my eyes, also, don't recommend. "Your drunken ass called up you hubby to be, why, I don't know you self sabotage a lot." I rolled my eyes at her.  "Anyway, you guys were being a all lovey dovey and he started talking about how much he loved you and all that bull, then you started to run your mouth off about how you can't wait till your married and have kids or what not." I zoned out for a moment and my mouth dropped open in shock "Taylor Allison Swift pay attention, it's no fun mocking you if you're not paying attention." She snapped in my face before continuing "long story short your dumb ass shared your desire to get married in Vegas, he agreed and I may have peed a little. But I had a blast, ringing any bells?" 

I groaned and just laid face down on the couch and screamed a bit. 

After a bit I went to check my phone, finally,  and when I did I found a text from you know 

mysuperawsomeboyfriendTravywhoissuperawsomeandhotandmakesmesmile🥵🥰: how are you feeling this morning Tay?

I somehow blushed at him even though he was miles away, I took a chance and decided to try and call him. I had the small hope that Tree was just bull shitting me. 

Hey Beautiful, How are you feeling? I fucking loved this man, he always picked up

I'm good, any chance I called you last night?

I could practically see him trying to contain a smile and answer me.

I don't know, maybe, lots of people call me. Anything interesting happen in that conversation.

You're really gonna be cocky about this? He laughed and I tried not to laugh with him.

Well, you know it's not every day Taylor Swift asks you to get married in Vegas.

I made a face at the phone even though it wasn't a face time call.

Really? Cause it happens to me quite often

Is that why Tree is always so grumpy? I Gasped, Tree who had been eves dropping popped up with the most indignant face, like Meredith when I made her wake up from a nap. "Screw you Travis". He heard her and started to laugh, I joined in.

Damn, I could listen to your laugh all day, but I probably should go to practice

Yah, that would make sense. You got to bring home some hard ware of your own. He chuckled softly and my heart fluttered at the warmth of that sound.

I am so proud of you Taylor, I love you, I will count down the days till I can hold you again. 

With that the line went dead and I let myself get lost in the memories of his strong arms, and how easy they could throw me to the bed or push me against the wall. I let out a small groan as I felt myself heat up at the thought. "No, bitch no" I opened my eyes and saw Tree sitting on the couch across from me glaring, "Don't you thirst over him, If your thirsty? Drink some water because I have to be here for the rest of the day." I rolled my eyes and went on tik tok to watch thirst traps of Travis.

This was short, I just had a funny idea of what happened the next morning. Hope you found this funny. Next up is the superbowl.

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