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Taylors POV

Time flew as I began to get ready, and the outfit I had first chosen to wear had cat hair all over it and I intended to keep crazy cat lady Taylor as far from for as long as I could.  Just as I finished changing I heard the a knock and was so excited to see him I tripped over a cat titans face planted onto the living room floor.

Of course he asked about it but, again, we don't talk about crazy cat lady Taylor. The date went well, It threw me a little when he asked how I knew about the coffee shop and for a moment my mind wandered back to Karlie, but as fast as the memories came they left as he gently held my hand and steered me off the topic. I knew I should tell him eventually but that was like a 83rd date thing and at the moment all I could think about was our 3rd date, as in THE 3rd date.

The second he dropped me off I took a moment to fantasize about the date before I called Blake. I told her to come over and she said she was on her way. It took her  forever to show up but eventually I got the text from my security that she arrived. "What took you so long!" I opened the door before she got a chance and yelled at her "oh calm down it took me 30 minutes to get here, what crawled up your skirt"  I pulled her into my apartment and slammed the door throwing my body against it "Fuck Blake I had a date." She gave me a look "I know, but that was last night, wait did you..." she raised her eyebrow "No no no no, yah we had a date last night, then we went like to breakfast this morning and" I trailed off sliding onto the floor. Olivia crawled onto my chest and I started to pet her slightly. "Well, how was he?" I widened my eyes and sat up, I tried to talk but I couldn't form the words. "That bad huh?" "No no" She raised a judgementle eyebrow "No I mean it, he picked me up and took me to a surprise restaurant, it was such a cute place, then when the food came we spent about 5 minutes stealing each others food then he moved his chair to sit next to me and we shared" She awwwed and I was thankful for the reaction "I know right, anyway, then he kinda tricked me into eating dessert, and walked me into the door and kissed me, God that kiss was magical, the best part,  I told him I didn't want him to leave and he was all flustered and asked me out for breakfast." Now I was grinning like a fool.

By the time I had fully filled Blake in on the two dates we were one glass of wine in and ordering lunch. "You really took him to your coffee shop?", I looked down for a moment "Yah" I looked her in the eye "You were never able to go there with Joe? Why him?" I didn't even think before answering. "It was time." She smiled and began to clap, I rolled my eyes but felt a peace I hadn't felt in a while. "So what's up with you and Ryan,"I took a sip waiting for her to respond "You only said that so you wouldn't seem like a bad friend." "Yes, still what's new?" She scoffed but continued "Oh, nothing that exciting, the kids are great, but I recommend stopping after 3." It took me a second and once I was sure I answered "don't you have four kids?" She laughed "you had count, and that is my point exactly" I joined her but that little part of my mind ran to the thought of a little me and little Travis one day running around. I shook my head trying to clear my mind of the thought. And even shook the thought I couldn't shake the grin I got thinking of our future.

As if on cue I got a text from him

Travy❤️: I realized we didn't really plan anything for tonight? I was wondering what time I should pick you up?

I obviously wasn't subtle enough when I got his text because Blake noticed "is that who I think it is?"  I gave a dopey grin trying not to giggle "yah, he was wondering what time to pick me up at. "Oh, where are you going?" "I don't know?" She looked away from her phone to look at me incredecently "your going out with him today and you don't know when or where you going." I was overcome with embarrassment as I began to type out my response.

Me: I was thinking we could go to this club I know, It's a really low key place It could be fun if your up for that.

"How's this?" I handed Blake my phone, she read it over then handed it back. When I looked at my screen I saw she had already hit send. I jumped up about to hit her but my phone buzzed and I dropped like a rock onto the couch to read his messages 

Travy❤️: I would love to.

Travy❤️: What if I pick you up at 8?

I smiled wide and shoved my phone in Blake's face "He said he would like to! He said he would love to, He said..." she shoved her hand over my mouth and I started laughing. "Wait wait let me respond." She rolled her eyes and muttered something about me being whipped but Ichose to ignore it. 

Me: I can't wait

He responded almost immediately 

Travy❤️: glad I'm not the only one

I giggled and pulled my phone to my chest closing my eyes, "Okay, what did he say" "No, you were mean, you don't get to know" She was quiet for a while so I opened my eyes to see what she was up to and I saw her about to throw a cat at me. I screamed and she lunged at me., we ran around my apartment for a while before she caught me.

We spaced out talking about all of the most random things and I was happier than I had been in the last 2 years. Soon enough my alarm went off reminding me to start getting ready for going out with Travis. I jumped up in excitement grabbing Blake's attention. "What are you doing?" I barely listened to her "I have to get ready for my date" "your dates at 8" "so?" "That's in 4 hours" "yah, but I have to pick an outfit, eat, do my makeup, do my hair, touch up my makeup get dressed, touch up my hair, and feed the cats." She sighed "young love" I rolled my eyes at her and ran into my closet, soon enough she followed. 

We eventually finished getting ready, I say we because without Blake I would still be stressing over an outfit. I was already and sitting out waiting with her when I decided to go to the bathroom. Just as I sat down I heard the knock on the door. I cursed going as fast as I could but by the time I got downstairs I saw Blake standing in the doorway glaring at Travis.

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