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Taylors POV

It was my birthday. That was the first thought I had when I opened my eyes, I grinned and reached over to my phone looking for one person. I had messages pour in from all over the world, then I found him.

mysuperawsomeboyfriendTravywhoissuperawsomeandhotandmakesmesmile🥵🥰: Happy Birthday beautiful, I hope this didn't wake you, I know you must be receiving so many texts but I still want you to know I'm thinking about you. I love you ❤️ Have an amazing day.

The message came in at 7:00 and it was the best present I could've asked for, it was the exact time my alarm is scheduled to go off. It was a small detail but that was the beauty of my guy.

"Get up, get up, get up, get up. It's your birthday bitch" I groaned and threw a pillow at Blake. It's early, go back to bed, don't you have parenting to do". She laughed and jumped onto the bed with me. "I got Ryan to take the kids today. Now, let's go open presents." I sat up slowly, "There are presents?". She grabbed my hand and led me to the living room where a stack of gifts sat unopened. For the time being I forgot about the text and went on a rampage through the gifts I had been sent.

"Who's this from?" "Adele" I made eye contact with Blake "oh this gonna be good." She nodded and we ripped open the parcel and laughed. She had sent me a toaster. It fell perfectly into the pattern we had created many years ago of sending each other random household items, it was a random tradition, but fun nonetheless.

"Ohhh, this one is from you know who" Blake raised her eyebrows and handed me a huge bouquet of flowers "who?" "Travis you numbskull" "What". I was confused, he had given me a present last weekend when I went to his game. That reminded me. I got up and ran away, Blake yelled at me but I was back in a few seconds holding a large box "He gave me this last week". She looked at me in outrage "AND YOU HAVENT OPENED IT, bruh" I rolled my eyes and set it on the couch, she wrapped her arms around my waist "so are you gonna open it?" I touched the paper "here we go". I pulled open the box and froze "No way" I slowly picked up the guitar and turned it over, my hands strayed to its neck and felt over the almost invisible line where this guitar once broke. "He got you a guitar?", I looked over at her in shock "this is the first guitar I ever had" she met eyes with me realizing "It broke about a decade ago, I didn't have the heart to throw it away nor the time to fix it." I was smiling so so wide "He went all the way to Nashville for this,". I couldn't stop smiling through the rest of the morning with Blake and when we finally finished I picked back up the guitar and strummed the chords letting the smile overcome my face. "Are you going to call him?" I hadn't even thought about that and sprung to my phone hitting the face time button.

Birthday Girl! His smiling face appeared on the screen and I matched it.

Thank you, Thank you Thank you Trav, I just opened your present. How did you pull this off?"

Oh, well our relationship needs a bit of mystery didn't it... I will say Mr Swift deserves some of the credit. I saw him roll over in his bed as he smiled at me.

Did I wake you? My face dropped and my heart sank as guilt plagued me.

Your the Birthday Girl, you can call me whenever, hell, your Taylor Swift, you can call anyone whenever. I stuck my tongue out at him but he was already laughing, recently he had taken to making jokes about my fame, this had been going on ever since I had been stressed to meet some of his teammates and he attempted to reassure me that they were more nervous.

Travis and I talked for hours. I thanked him profusely, though he still refused to tell me how he pulled this off. Blake talked with us for a bit then disappeared within my house, I'll worry about that later.

Don't you have a party later today? I looked at the clock and stood up suddenly

shit, I'm so behind schedule, I'm sorry, I have to go, love you

Bye Tay, I love you

I hung up "BLAKE, WHERE ARE YOU" she popped up right on que, "ready to go?" . She was of course all dressed and ready to head out, giving me a pretty good idea what she had been doing while I talked to Trav". I groaned and smacked her on my way past, "Thanks for the heads up" I needed a miracle in order to get to the restaurant on time and would most likely be late so I made the executive decision to take my time and not stress. This mindset lasted for all of three minutes, after that horrible idea went out the door I went back to forcing Blake to do my hair while I did my makeup "does this count as your present?" I looked up at her as she focused on my hair, "sure", but she didn't stop there "Does that mean I can return what I got you?". I glared at her "No cheapskate I deserve many presents from you, I need ones for all the birthdays after you die and leave me alone". She laughed and smacked me upside the head, "I'm going to outlive us all Tay, there's nothing you can do, its a well known fact" I scoffed and we continued till I was ready. We were already a half hour late when we piled into the car for the fifteen minute drive, in rush hour, through New York. Alas I was proud of how fast we were able to get out the door and we made it to our destination with little trouble.

The vibe inside was incredible, some of my closest friends had come to Mew York for this and I was able to take a deep breathe and let loose. I hadn't been partying much since the tour started and I intend to make it all up tonight. I was aware of many people taking pictures but ignored them and chose to enjoy the company of those around me. About halfway through the night somebody discovered a karaoke machine and started up a round of drunken carols, then we had cake, shots, dancing, shots, karaoke, shots more shots and another cake.

I proceeded to drink so much I couldn't remember anything else. Well their was one thing I remembered, it was that when I left, the paparazzi started to sing happy birthday to me, now, I had many bad experiences with paparazzi, but this made me happy, in fact it made me so happy that as soon as I got into the car I pulled out my phone and called Travis to tell him I had just the day he wished me.

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