padt 34

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Today Anjali and ayansh will come with their daughter and also today is her naming ceremony..

When they told about adopting to Anjali family, karuna, shivansh, daadi and ayansh's father. They all were so happy with it..

About Anjali step mother, she is send off to her maternal home..


Everyone was eating dinner when  they got call from hospital saying naman is admitted as he met with an accident..

Ayansh, meenakshi, Anjali and ayansh's dad went hospital..
Naman's wife is not there. She is at her maternal home for some days.. They informed her as well

They all sat outside operation theatre..
Anjali went in canteen to bought tea for every one..
She gave it to her father in law then ayansh and then meenakshi

"I don't want it" Meenakshi said looking at operation theatre with tears in her eyes
"To be honest I don't care about you.. But still as humanity I want to tell you that you need to be strong for naman.. At end it's your choice" Anjali said in stern voice

Meenakshi nodded and took tea from here..

After 2 hours doctor came and told operation is successful and naman is out of danger..

2 days later.. Anjali was in her room working on laptop. When meenakshi knock on her door

"You? You want something? "Anjali asked with frown on her face

" Hmm.. I want to talk to you" She said
Anjali sighed but nodded
"Boliye? " She asked

"Why do you hate me so much? I had seen it in your eyes? " Meenakshi asked

"Well.. So what do you want me to do? Should I love you or respect you? For what you have done to my husband.. Remember when naman was in operation room and you were shedding tears, feeling helpless.. As a mother it was painful seeing your child in pain.. Right? The you didn't think about ayansh's mother.. Arti maa.. How difficult it must be for her seeing her child in pain..  How helpless she must be feeling.. Imagine naman suffering the same thing you did to ayansh.. It will hurt you right? Then why didn't you feel hurt hitting ayansh...He was just a child expecting  love from you as he lost his mother.. But you! You abuse him! He felt like an orphan even having you and dad.. YOU ARE HEARTLESS WOMAN who has no humanity or kindness.. YOU ARE NOT EVEN WORTH CALLING HUMAN. You vent out your frustation on a child. Disgusting! I'll never forget for what you did to the person I love.. Ayansh maybe kind enough to not hold grudges against you.. But I'm not kind.. I'M CRUEL FOR THOSE WHO HURT MY LOVED ONES.. I hold grudges against you and I'll make you suffer as well just like I was doing these past days.. " Anjali yelled wit tears rolling down her eyes..

Meenakshi was shocked and guilt came over her..
"I... I didn't wanted to..I was " She fumbled with her words

"SHUT UP.. JUST SHUTUP! Don't you dare to give explanation for your actions.. LEAVE" Anjali said and sat on bed.

Meenakshi looked down and moved to went from there but she got shocked seeing ayansh standing there with tears in his eyes. There was pain and longing in his eyes.. He didn't forgive her, he just stayed silent for naman and nikita .. They were never impolite or rude to him.. they just didn't talked with each other.. He didn't wanted to snatch mother from them because he knew pain of losing mother's love..

"Ayansh.. I'm sor.. " Meenakshi said but cutoff in between by ayansh

"Didn't you hear what my wife said? Please leave Mrs. Mehra! " Ayansh said in stern and calm voice creating shiver in meenakshi

Anjali was also shocked seeing ayansh there.. Tears were flowing from her eyes.. She felt pain for him and his sufferrings.. She felt helpless because she can't change the pain or his sufferings..

Meenakshi nodded and left from there.. Ayansh came inside and looked at Anjali who was crying. Ayansh wiped his own tears and fill glass of water for her.. He sat on his knees and hold her hands.. He made her drink water.. He kissed her palms and laid his head in her lap . They both cried in each other's embrace..
"Thank you for being there for me..thank you for becoming my wife..thank you for caring for me..thank you for taking stand for me..thank you for fighting for me..thank you for loving me.." Ayansh said in low voice and choked at end..

"Then I should also thank you for respecting me.. For loving me.. For taking care of me.. For sharing your life with me.. For trusting me.. For helping me.. For everything! " Anjali said and kissed ayansh:# forehead


Then meenakshi hereself revealed to every one about her crime..
Naman and nikita got shocked by this and told her "we are ashamed to call you our mother.. " Naman hugged ayansh and said sorry to him..

Daadi slapped her " I hate you for giving ayansh this pain.. "

Dad said " How can you be so cruel.. Well, mistake is mine that i trust you with ayansh.. Moreover I was so lost in the grief of arti that I didn't give love to ayansh , naman Or nikki.. But you.. It's my mistake that I trusted you.. I hate you for this.. I used to think why Ayansh doesn't like you or take you as a mother but you.. You fed me lies.. Just get  out of this house"

Ayansh told him not to do this. But they all chided ayansh for supporting her.. Meenakshi said that she deserved this punishment so she accepted it..Anjali didn't even talk to him for 2 days..
Ayansh then kissed her asking for an apology.. He even made a sad face and Anjali was not able to see him sad instantly agreed..

"I'm sorry jaan.. It's just I don't want naman and nikki to feel what I felt and you also know how it feels living without a mother.. I didnt want it.. As long as she stayed away from me and my family.. It is better for me.. But whatever happens is already destined.. So please forgive your innocent husband... " He said sitting on knees and offering rose and chocolate to her..

Ayansh's father also asked for an apology from his kids for neglecting him.. Be loved arti so much that without her he didn't feel like living.. He was just a body without a soul and his soul was taken by arti.. Therefore he engrossed himself in work so much that he didn't give time to kids thinking meenakshi is giving them love.. It hurt him but arti's death made him alone.

So did you like closure of meenakshi? Well! Naman was never negative character.. He just stayed away from ayansh..
And meenakshi she was wrong but she repent and now is getting punished by staying away from her children and husband.. Ayansh's dad was wrong for neglecting him but he himself was broken due to his love's death and now he regret. But whatever done is done.. We can't change the past but can rectify our mistakes by not repeating them in future....

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