part 7 gift from him and office

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Whole day was fine.. But some part of my heart miss her.. Her fragrance in my room reminds me of her.. I then talked to my best friend.. He was happy for this.. He know anjali as an employee.. He said that she is nice and smart lady... According to him, she is perfect for me..

I then went out at 6.30 to reach at her home.. I bought chocolate for vivaan.. He is very cute child..

I reached exactly at 7

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I reached exactly at 7.00..I was feeling so nervous.. How will they behave with me? Will they taunt me? What will I say if they ask about naman?

I entered inside and rang bell.
Rishabh bhai opened it and hugged me with smile.. I went inside with him.. My eyes met hers.. I smiled at her smile.. She then went somewhere..
Then I greeted papa, bhabhi and vivaan.. I gave him chocolate box and he was very happy.. I then looked at her .. Ohh she went to bring some water.. I sat on couch with vivaan on my lap.. She offered me water with warm smile.. Then we all talk about thing, business and. Politics... No one raised any topic regarding naman Or our marriage.. They made me feel like home.. They treated so nicely.. Bhai and papa are really good... I feel like I got a family.. Bhabhi is also very good.. She is sweet and funny.. Then we did dinner and went towards car.. Vivaan started crying because his bua is leaving her.. I felt sad seeing tears in his eyes.. Then I told him to bring his bua anytime he wants..

Then we sat in car after bidding them bye.. She asked me about my day and then I asked about hers..

Then we reached home.. She asked about daadi to which I told her that she must be sleeping.. We both went inside our room...

She went to closet to change her dress... And I went in washroom o change mine.. She came back and removed her makeup.. I sat on bed waiting for her..

She sat on bed and wished me good night.. We both laid on our backs..

"When will you join your job? " I asked

"Actually I have 3 days leave more.. But I want to join it from tomorrow or maybe day after tomorrow.. So what should I do? " She asked looking at me

I turned my face towards her.. "Well to be honest.. If you want , you can join from tomorrow.. There will be no problem.. And If you want some rest, then you can take it.. " I told her honestly..

"Hmm.. I want to join it.. I'll be bore at home.. I'm not habitual of leaves.. " She said to which I nodded with smile..

Then, we both slept..


I came out of washroom wearing my black suit.. I am Joining office back from today.. So is she..

I looked at her standing in front of the mirror combing her hair.. Into a bun... But open hair looks good on her.. However, she is looking so preety.. This pink saree is looking beautiful on her.. She carries sarees so well..

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