Tilting my face toward his, he drew me impossibly nearer to his chest and deepened the kiss. The tip of his tongue swept across my mouth, and my lips parted in response, giving him voluntary willing access to continue his tender exploration.

His touch was hot and urgent as it glided against my midriff, his fingers embracing the newly exposed skin at the side of my waist. The mutual sigh of pleasure hung in the air, as the human need for breath hindered our pursuit.

With his nose kissing mine, he inhaled erratically, his breath coming out in short puffs. When he settled his forehead against mine, our breaths mingled. His presence enveloped me like a comforting hug, reassuring and electrifying simultaneously.

The thunder roared overhead, echoing the tumultuous rhythm of our hearts.

And then, He kissed me again.

This time, without any warning. Without any restraint. 

Properly and exuberantly.

A cry of approval and exclamation left my lips at the urgency in his movement as his tongue dwelled deeper, making a permanent abode inside.

It was splendid... stroking and coaxing my mouth open, along the seam of my swollen lips. He playfully bit my lower lip, his touch leaving fire in its wake, and I wondered if it was possible for a person to go crazy with desire. He was all man. Glorious and wicked. His titillating tempting scent, the dominant feel of his body rubbing against mine, it was vexing, in the most scrumptious of ways.

Fueled by hunger and fervor of the luring intimacy, my arms circled his neck, and my fingers threaded through those silken waves of his hair, in an effort to bring him closer and closer.

Oh heavens...I couldn't even count the number of times I had touched myself, under the safety of my covers at night, imagining and thinking about this moment with him in the past few weeks.

He tasted like the sweet water of first rains and cocoa from the delectable chocolate brownie we had for dessert earlier. And pure carnal sin.

He tasted like pure carnal sin. And like a greedy eager wench, I wanted more. More of his kisses. More of his touch. More of him.

I was struggling for air when his mouth distanced from mine but seemingly, he wasn't done yet.

Aryan continued to place wet, languid kisses down to the column of my neck, the sound of them accentuated by the silence around us. I whimpered, biting my lip to silence the moan that was threatening to escape my mouth, feeling the soft suction of his mouth against the delicate pulse of my throat. 

His nose nuzzled the sensitive skin behind my ear, just as his teeth nibbled on my earlobe softly.

I sighed. 

It was a sigh fueled with pleasure. Lewd Longing and Salacious Thirst.

His fingers itched upwards, stopping just below the swell of my breasts. A whine of frustration crawled up my throat at the sudden cessation.

"Please," The sound of my pleading was a confusing mixture of a whine and a moan.

My gaze slid up to his.

The depth of his eyes held an emotion so strange yet so special. It made my heart shudder.

"Fuck, Ria. I could die wanting you right now, but I need you to know..."

His sentence trailed as I captured his lips again, wanting more. The sweet aching pain between my legs grew, wanting to be relieved, desperate for something to rub against.

A growl of concord reverberated through his body as he kissed me back, his earlier words long forgotten.

He was the first one to tear our lips apart. The pad of his wide calloused thumbs tickled my cheeks in soft sweeps, framing my small face delicately.

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